Take back the App! A dialogue on Platform Cooperativism, Free Software and DisCOs https://blog.p2pfoundation.net/take-back-the-app-a-dialogue-on-platform-cooperativism-free-software-and-discos/2020/04/24 #DisCO #PlatformCooperativism #DAO #Blockchain #P2PF #Commons
#disco #platformcooperativism #dao #blockchain #p2pf #commons
Take back the App! A dialogue on Platform Cooperativism, Free Software and DisCOs https://blog.p2pfoundation.net/take-back-the-app-a-dialogue-on-platform-cooperativism-free-software-and-discos/2020/04/24 #DisCO #PlatformCooperativism #DAO #Blockchain #P2PF #Commons
#disco #platformcooperativism #dao #blockchain #p2pf #commons
«Patterns for Decentralised Governance and why Blockchain Doesn’t Decentralise Power… Unless You Design It To»
https://blog.p2pfoundation.net/patterns-for-decentralised-governance-and-why-blockchain-doesnt-decentralise-power-unless-you-design-it-to/2017/09/22 #p2pf
«Patterns for Decentralised Governance and why Blockchain Doesn’t Decentralise Power… Unless You Design It To»
https://blog.p2pfoundation.net/patterns-for-decentralised-governance-and-why-blockchain-doesnt-decentralise-power-unless-you-design-it-to/2017/09/22 #p2pf
@richdecibels @Matt_Noyes @emi @Antanicus The thing I'd read on open accounting in Enspiral wasn't rich or alanna but Pazaitis Bauwens & Kostakis 2017, 'Digital economy & the rise of open cooperativism' http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1024258916683865
Relates to our #readingGroup discussion on roles in coops and multistakeholder vs worker coops. Pivot of the article is the #P2PF core thing - creating #livelihood through radical platform cooperativism. D'you think social.coop in future is going to be about livelihood?
#readinggroup #p2pf #livelihood
@strypey I've thought about #P2PF #wiki as a public place to put stuff. How strongly influenced is that collection by the 'official' agenda of P2PF (ie Michel Bauwens)?
Must say I'm not thrilled by the wikiwiki qualities - typography, navigation. It can be hard going? But yes, P2PFwiki is compendious and it's heading for a place I'm going too, thus is good company to be in.