Lately updated on #mastushville
Linux_potchan toot team public #p[TAG], dated, updated frequently:
Expert#1 #pCANDYVORE- ..(YYYYMMDDa,b, ..)
Expert#2 #pDEDICATE
#pREPLY (to "Public" toots)
#pTEAMQUOTE (no source, unless allow)
This section calls to all functions needed for 's team. All Linux fans and crews are invited to take a look and part #pREPLY-YYYYMMDDa as repliers' privacy of their choice.
Any replier here can ask for our OpenEdition ('white') taster's special to download for FREE.
You can taste it:
You can join team here:
Also at: (in build)
Hi all, I'm grateful to constructive replies. It's a delight for me.
Replying well to all during week is honor + crucial importance in process of delivering my ideas and do's.
ThanX 😊, and I'll refer to U one by one during week as I can.
This page shows the outing of potchan & teaming it !
See my #pMESSAGE-YYYYMMDD as other #p[THEME][DATE] s.
One day soon children will ask: "What 'OS' means ?" same as "Watt'a 'carriage return' means ?" ..