Heute Abend ist Kultur angesagt! ☝️ #CocaineBear #PabloEscobear #SchleFaZ ist das garantiert nicht.
#cocainebear #pabloescobear #SchleFaZ
#CocaineBear: A fun '80s throwback flick, with a lot of heart and brains behind it (and I don't just mean the ones that the bear gets her claws into).
Full review at Mahan's Media: https://betwixtstarproductions.blogspot.com/2023/04/cocaine-bear-2023-movie-review.html #film #movies #filmreview #moviereview #cinema #cinemastodon #horror #comedy #thriller #pabloescobear #elizabethbanks #1980s #RIPRayLiotta
#cocainebear #film #movies #filmreview #moviereview #cinema #cinemastodon #horror #comedy #thriller #pabloescobear #elizabethbanks #1980s #riprayliotta
#CocaineBear is so fucking stupid. And god help me - I think I love it.
#pabloescobear #movies #CocaineBear #comedy
Cocaine Bear was pretty fun, but weirdly needed more cocaine. No-one referred to her as Pablo Escobear either 🐻💟
#cocainebear #filmastodon #cinemastodon #pabloescobear
Comb fact and fiction https://theapiarist.org/comb-fact-fiction/ #Cassie-Baxter #PabloEscobear #Beekeeping #Challenger #Science #Wenzel
#cassie #pabloescobear #beekeeping #challenger #science #wenzel
#OsoIntoxicado en Latinoamérica y en España un nombre mucho más apropiado: #OsoViciOso es una cinta que se estrena en Febrero de 2023 y está es mi reacción
#osointoxicado #osovicioso #cocainebear #pabloescobear