Ogie Ogilthorpe · @OgieOgilthorpe
42 followers · 873 posts · Server stranger.social

By the way, though I’m a fan, and will follow them on TV regardless of which conference they play in. I would like to give a BIG 🖕 to Fox and ESPN for destroying the
As far back as I can remember, as other Conferences died and sometimes were reborn under different names, the endured.
Now that it’s gone, I am saddened.

#usc #trajans #pac12 #pac10 #pac8

Last updated 1 year ago

Ogie Ogilthorpe · @OgieOgilthorpe
42 followers · 843 posts · Server stranger.social

A crappy 12 year television deal that Scott thought was so great, really wasn’t. And the expansion was dumb of the amount each school would get is less. So the writing was in the wall.


Last updated 1 year ago

Ogie Ogilthorpe · @OgieOgilthorpe
42 followers · 843 posts · Server stranger.social

Honestly I am sad to see the end the way it has. Even if some form of it comes back with other schools, it will no longer be a
Yes money is important and one would think with schools like and a TV deal could have been put together that rivaled the if not the and the but the leadership was/is so inept that there was little chance of any of success.

#pac #pac8 #pac10 #pac12 #theconferenceofchampions #powerfiveconference #usc #ucla #oregon #washington #stanford #big12 #big10 #sec

Last updated 1 year ago