#5yrsago My closing keynote from the second #DecentralizedWebSummit https://archive.org/details/decentralizedwebsummitmedia-2018-courtyard-2?start=475
#5yrsago Bad infrastructure means #pacemakers can be compromised before they leave the factory https://www.wired.com/story/pacemaker-hack-malware-black-hat/
#5yrsago Florida’s #prisons change tech providers, wipe out $11.2m worth of music purchased by prisoners https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2018/08/captive-audience-how-floridas-prisons-and-drm-made-113m-worth-prisoners-music
#5yrsago Kill sticky headers: a bookmarklet to get rid of the web’s static blobs https://alisdair.mcdiarmid.org/kill-sticky-headers/
#5yrsago #decentralizedwebsummit #pacemakers #prisons
#15yrsago California Supreme Court: #NonCompete clauses are not enforceable https://workforce.com/news/non-compete-agreements-going-going-gone
#15yrsago #Pacemakers can be remotely pwned https://venturebeat.com/security/defcon-excuse-me-while-i-turn-off-your-pacemaker/
#15yrsago Working #Medeco high-security keys can be whittled out of plastic https://www.wired.com/2008/08/medeco-locks-cr/
#10yrsago HOWTO bake nested, hemispherical cakes https://cakecrumbs.me/2013/08/01/spherical-concentric-layer-cake-tutorial/
#10yrsago Audiobook memoir of Disney #Imagineering legend #RollyCrump: More Cute Stories https://itskindofacutestory.com/?p=102
#15yrsago #noncompete #pacemakers #medeco #10yrsago #imagineering #rollycrump
#Apple issues health warning to millions to keep their iPhone six inches away from their chest — saying device can interfere with #pacemakers
In het #Isala ziekenhuis werden pacemakers onder druk geplaatst. De cardiologen zouden steekpenningen hebben aangenomen van de producenten. Ik vraag me af of cardiologen in andere ziekenhuizen ook onnodig pacemakers onder druk bij patienten plaatsen.
De rapportage over deze misstand is schadelijk voor de geloofwaardigheid van de medische stand!
#cardiologen #pacemakers #steekpenningen
#steekpenningen #pacemakers #cardiologen #isala
Obituary of Earl E. Bakken, Pacemaker Inventor and Medtronic Founder, who has died at 94
#Obituary #Technology #Engineering #Medicine #Health #Electronics #Pacemakers #Medtronic
#technology #health #pacemakers #engineering #medicine #electronics #obituary #medtronic