Last Day of the #PacificGeospatialConference2022 is #Workshop day. Diving into #QField in a WS by and feeling like I am back at University.
#USP #UniversityOfTheSouthPacific
#Suva #Fiji #PGC2022 #QGIS #GIS #DataCollection #DataCollectionApps
#pacificgeospatialconference2022 #workshop #qfield #usp #universityofthesouthpacific #suva #fiji #pgc2022 #qgis #gis #datacollection #datacollectionapps
I had the pleasure of contributing to the conference today with a presentation on #reef passages typology in the #SouthPacific
#PGC2022 #GIS #coralreef #reefpassage #mapping #fishery #PacificIslands
#reef #southpacific #pacificgeospatialconference2022 #pgc2022 #gis #coralreef #reefpassage #mapping #fishery #Pacificislands
Can Unen from the Humanitarian #OpenStreetMap team: "OpenStreetMap is free like free speech, but is too often treated like free beer"
#PGC2022 #opendata #osm #osmhot #maps #mapping #hackfest
#openstreetmap #pacificgeospatialconference2022 #pgc2022 #opendata #osm #osmhot #maps #mapping #hackfest
Can Unten from the Humanitarian #OpenStreetMap team: "OpenStreetMap is free like free speech, but is too often treated like free beer"
#PGC2022 #opendata #osm #osmhot #maps #mapping #hackfest
#openstreetmap #pacificgeospatialconference2022 #pgc2022 #opendata #osm #osmhot #maps #mapping #hackfest
Third day of the #PacificGeospatialConference2022 started tasty with #WomenInGIS breakfast at beautiful Eden café in #Suva, #Fiji.
#pacificgeospatialconference2022 #womeningis #suva #fiji
Thanks for the lightning talk on the #KartProject @hc!
Versioning #geodata in #QGIS would make work so much easier!!
#PGC2022 #GIS #OpenSource #VersionControl #geodata #geospatial
#kartproject #geodata #qgis #pacificgeospatialconference2022 #pgc2022 #gis #opensource #versioncontrol #geospatial
Talks on analysis of #Sentinel1 and #Sentinel2 data by Dipak Paudial and Awnesh Singh respectively took me back to university time & the #Geoinformatics studies in #Jena. Really great data sources as reminded today for applications like #DisasterRisk assessment or #water #turbidity modelling.
#sentinel1 #sentinel2 #geoinformatics #jena #disasterrisk #water #turbidity #pacificgeospatialconference2022 #pgc2022 #gis #esa
Magnus Wettle from #EOMAP presented #SatelliteDerivedBathymetry results for selected Pacific regions: amazing seeing up to 2m #resolution #bathymetry data for #seabeds!
#EOMAP #satellitederivedbathymetry #resolution #bathymetry #seabeds #pacificgeospatialconference2022 #pgc2022 #gis
@e8sm8 explained with a rugby reference the bridge between #ESRI and #QGIS and the #SLYR plugin available for this purpose by @northroadgeo
#Geospatial #GIS
#esri #qgis #SLYR #pacificgeospatialconference2022 #pgc2022 #opensourcesoftware #geospatial #gis
Brent Wood from the National Institute of water and Atmospheric Research in New Zealand #NIWA presented the application of #postgresql foreign data wrappers and showed their great potential.
#niwa #postgresql #pacificgeospatialconference2022 #pgc2022
The #Community and #Diversity Session with inputs from Renata Varea on #GenderAndGIS and from Ueakeia Martin Tofinga on the #Kiribati #WomenInMapping project gives more insight and examples on the gender aspect in #GIS related activities in the #Pacific
#community #diversity #genderandgis #kiribati #womeninmapping #gis #pacific #pacificgeospatialconference2022 #pgc2022
Carrol Chan is giving a true #PhDlife talk with bitterness and laughter on her #InvasiveSpecies research in #Samoa.
#phdlife #invasivespecies #samoa #pacificgeospatialconference2022 #pgc2022 #sciencememes
Also, she talked about the #PacificDataHub where you can browse for a large amount of datasets:
#pacificdatahub #pacificgeospatialconference2022 #pgc2022 #geospatial #pacific