African Americans in Hawaiʻi: A Search for Identity by Ayin M. Adams; Aaron L. Day; Indira Hale Tucker; Kathryn Waddell Takara
#Hawaii, #historyofHawaii, #Africandiaspora, #Pacifichistory, #historyofthepacific, #Africanamerikan, #Africanamerikans, #biographies, #biographicalhistory, #biographicalhistories, #colonialism, #imperialism, #usimperialism, #uscolonialism, #usempire, #antiblackness, #colorism, #Blackhistory
#hawaii #historyofhawaii #AfricanDiaspora #pacifichistory #historyofthepacific #africanamerikan #africanamerikans #biographies #biographicalhistory #biographicalhistories #colonialism #imperialism #usimperialism #uscolonialism #usempire #antiblackness #colorism #blackhistory
I must be maturing. No whoops to echo around the Redmond Barry Reading room, just lots of chair fidgits.
So happy though, I had a hunch there was something in the collection.
#pacifichistory #twitterstorians