Global News BC: Police issue warning about suspicious man at UBC’s Pacific Spirit Park #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #PacificSpiritPark #UniversityRCMP #SuspiciousMan #IndecentAct #trailsafety #Safety #Crime #RCMP #UBC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #pacificspiritpark #universityrcmp #suspiciousman #IndecentAct #trailsafety #safety #crime #RCMP #ubc
Back from a ~10 km walk in #PacificSpiritPark and the sadness in my soul is soothed. We are so lucky to have these #accessible #trails in #Vancouver. What would I do without them.
#pacificspiritpark #accessible #trails #vancouver
My traction battery was getting low but I could not get a charge at Kits Beach or 7th @ Burrard. No free space. So we drove out to Pacific Spirit Park where you can charge and park for 2 hours - for free! We walked to Trees on University Boulevard for tea and cheesecake. After 2 hours the charger stops no matter the state of the battery.
#trees #pacificspiritpark #ubc #vancouver #ev