Koirakaveri lähti kotiinsa, mutta käytiinpä @jouni kanssa Tapatoralla packrafteilla vähän istumassa nuotiolla. Ilma oli mitä mainioin.
#packrafting #retkeily #tampere
Tulipa käytyä Pispalan Saunafestareilla. Vahva suositus. Saunat oli hyvät ja bänditkin mainioita.
Matkan suoritin vaikeemman kautta packraftilla Härmälästä ihan koska voi. Tuli myös testattua aukkopeitteen käyttämistä purjeena.
Here's a video I made about first true class III rapids that I have ever rafted (rafting together with friend). Probably the most thrilling minute-and-a-half that I've ever experienced.
Käytiin tänään @jouni :n kanssa melomassa Tarpianjokea Urjalassa. Taas kerran homma oli tunteiden vuoristorata, välillä tosi siistiä ja välillä oli pusikkoa, metsän kautta rämpimisä ja muita haasteita. Matkalla bongattiin hieno urban explorointi vesivoimala.
Päästiin kolmasosa matkasta, alkoi sataa, aika meinasi loppua ja päätettiin soittaa pelastaja hakemaan matkan varrelta.
Huippu seikkailu taas kerran!
Kävin melomassa Teiskossa Kiimajoen. Välillä oli oikein mukavaa ja nättiä, välillä oli kapeaa ja matalaa. Voimat loppui jo puolessa matkaa joten sisulla maaliin. Tuo voisi olla ihan kiva puro, jos vettä olisi 20cm enemmän ja ei olisi ummessa lumpeista yms vähän väliä.
#packrafting #retkeily #kiimajoki
AI can do more than just destroyinh the human species, it also is of great help in finding Kajak tours you couldnt even think of or at least were really hard to find even after intense search sessions.
This one is particular nice. GPT4All with hermes model. Snoozy came in second over multiple tasks so far. Running on the smallest M1 Mac.
Packrafting on Packwood Lake near Mt. Rainier, May 2023.
This summer I'm going to take my first dive into bikerafting. On the hunt for good routes for the summer/fall in the PNW if anyone knows any! #pnw #bikerafting #packrafting #cycling
#pnw #bikerafting #packrafting #cycling
Farewell to my trusty #drone, whose illustrious career abruptly ended in a dramatic treetop crash. Here's a screenshot from the last video footage it shot.
Hiking/packrafting video experiment from 2021. Routasenkuru valley in Vätsäri Wilderness Area is about 10 km in length and has a small river running through it. Requires lots of scrambling to pass the boulders from collapsed gorge walls that block the way. Offers several sections of very enjoyable paddling though.
Should've really invested some effort to get third person footage.
The trip lasted for a week and involved hiking through multiple sections between paddling through about two dozen lakes. The video showcases a single day of the journey.
After spending too much time on creating machines that could print boats and large fuselages I gave up some time ago. Now I´m a very portable boat owner aka packraft pilot.
First sesson was 10km at partially medium headwinds pushing me around in the valley.
Trees look pretty f ed up all the way and birch trees, as first new generation after excessive draught and bark beetle infestation, cover quite big patches on the mountains.
#packrafting #hohenwarte #thuringia #adventure
Packrafting season continues. This summer might become one of the best ever as I have several interesting trips in the plans.
#packraft #packrafting #whitewater #paddling
#packraft #packrafting #whitewater #paddling
#packrafting season opened last weekend in spring flood, which makes certain small local rivers worth a few hours of exploration.
This river mostly winds its way in forests and farmlands, but for me it was most interesting when it intersected with civilization.
As I made my way, I encountered packs of ice, particularly near a dam where the stream seemed almost still. The ice was too thin to carry my weight, I found that out the hard way.
September 2021 in Oulankajoki, Finland.
The current was just too fast.
Rafting down the river, hoping to reach a shelter about midway of the 35 km distance total, to overnight.
Even with all the slowdowns I could think of I was there at 15:00. A bit too cold to do anything except to nurse a campfire.
#packrafting #camping #campfire
Heute haben wir uns auf den Weg gemacht den Quandal Forest (Mangroven) zu erkunden. Touristenguides bieten hierfür eine Bootstour mit dem Schnellboot an.
Wir verwenden hierfür unseren Bus und das Packraft.
Die Anfahrt zum Wald entpuppte sich als Offroadstrecke welche auf keiner Karte eingezeichnet ist.
Aber der Weg ist ja fast das Ziel.
#kradtour #vanlife #t4 #vw #travel #SaudiArabia #farasanisland #packrafting #Packraft #anfibio
#kradtour #vanlife #t4 #vw #travel #saudiarabia #farasanisland #packrafting #Packraft #anfibio
Little series from a #packrafting trip on the Māori gully section of the Huranui #river #whitewater #nz #outdoors
#packrafting #river #whitewater #nz #outdoors
Some wonderful patterns I captured while #packrafting the Hollyford-Pyke in #Milford #NewZealand #photography
#packrafting #milford #newzealand #photography
Jen and I had some great adventures over the Christmas holidays. The biggest and best one was #packrafting the Hollyford-Pyke loop in #Milford #NewZealand https://finn.lesueur.nz/posts/hollyford-pyke-packraft/
#packrafting #milford #newzealand
Now that I'm on this thing, I see folks making #introduction posts. Here's mine:
I'm Dave, 40-something software developer and occasional photographer in #yeg / #treaty6. I bike year-round, and have recently gotten into #packrafting.
I have chinchillas, reptiles, and an elder cat. I love birds, beer, coffee, and cooking.
I'm big on building community, both off and online, which is why I started @yeg.bike. Hopefully it can help fill a void being opened by the decline of #birdsite.
#introduction #yeg #treaty6 #packrafting #birdsite