A tribute to Paco and a comment on culture from Courrèges: our Paris Fashion Week highlights https://www.russh.com/paris-fashion-week-fall-23-highlights/ #parisfashionweek #FashionFeature #saintlaurent #acnestudios #pacorabanne #Fashion #dior
#parisfashionweek #fashionfeature #saintlaurent #acnestudios #pacorabanne #fashion #dior
Vale Paco Rabanne, Spanish designer.
Jane Fonda wore Rabanne’s futuristic dresses in the 1968 film “Barbarella”
Coco Chanel dismissed him as “a metal worker”
Here, Brigitte Bardot wears Rabanne outfits for "Contact!" written by Serge Gainsbourg in 1968.
#pacorabanne #brigettebardot #bardot #rabanne #barbarella #cocochanel
#pacorabanne #brigettebardot #bardot #rabanne #barbarella #cocochanel
Qui mème me suive !
Retrouvez chaque mercredi tous les mèmes de la semaine écoulée.
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Abonnez-vous !
#bfn #breakingfakenews #meme #compilation #quimememesuive #actualite #humour #lesdeschiens #retraites #macron #dussopt #borne #pedophilie #ecole #greves #morandini #pretres #brunomartini #martinez #cgt #houellebecq #filmx #coree #chine #russie #poutine #kimjongun #xijinping #melenchon #blindes #Arnault #asterix #obelix #pacorabanne
Remembering Paco Rabanne, the high priest of industrial couture https://www.russh.com/paco-rabanne-obituary/ #FashionNews #pacorabanne #Fashion
#fashionnews #pacorabanne #fashion
🇪🇸 Wikipedia hispanophone :
1.Paco Rabanne #PacoRabanne
2.YouTube #Youtube
3.Pablo Lyle #PabloLyle
#pacorabanne #youtube #pablolyle
🇫🇷 Quelles ont été les pages les plus vues hier sur Wikipédia ?
1. Paco Rabanne #PacoRabanne
2. Élodie Fontan #ÉlodieFontan
3. Philippe Lacheau #PhilippeLacheau
#pacorabanne #elodiefontan #philippelacheau #wikipediacuriosite
Paco Rabanne is a Spanish fashion designer who has been creating iconic fashion pieces since the 1960s. His designs are known for their bold and daring style, often featuring bright colors and unique shapes. In recent years, Rabanne has become a trendsetter in the fashion world, with his designs being seen on the runways of some of the biggest fashion houses. #PacoRabanne (based on go_ogle trends us/uk 🤖)
C’est A-Paco-lypse now !
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #mème #pacorabanne #décès #stationmir #apocalypse #findumonde
Abonnez-vous !
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #meme #pacorabanne #deces #stationmir #apocalypse #findumonde
🇪🇸 Wikipedia hispanophone :
1.Paco Rabanne #PacoRabanne
2.Serie del Caribe 2023 #SerieDelCaribe2023
3.YouTube #Youtube
#pacorabanne #seriedelcaribe2023 #youtube
🇫🇷 Quelles ont été les pages les plus vues hier sur Wikipédia ?
1. Paco Rabanne #PacoRabanne
2. Louis Velle #LouisVelle
3. Édouard Philippe #ÉdouardPhilippe
#pacorabanne #louisvelle #edouardphilippe #wikipediacuriosite
#PacoRabanne was positively loco in the cabesa, but he made a hell of a disc's.
(I wonder if he thought this was what aliens wore?)
#pacorabanne #rip #fashion #design
Photo: Eric Robert/Sygma via Getty Images
Photo: Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images
Photo: Puig
Le créateur Paco Rabanne, surnommé "le métallurgiste de la mode" par Coco Chanel, est mort à l'âge de 88 ans
https://www.francetvinfo.fr/culture/mode/createurs/le-createur-paco-rabanne-surnomme-le-metallurgiste-de-la-mode-par-coco-chanel-est-mort-a-l-age-de-88-ans_3919221.html#xtor=CS3-794 #pacorabanne
Paco Rabanne, famous for his avant-garde fashion, dies aged 88
#PacoRabanne #obituary #history #fashion #mode #moda #FashionDesigner
#pacorabanne #obituary #history #fashion #mode #moda #fashiondesigner
Spaanse modeontwerper Paco Rabanne overleden op 88-jarige leeftijd