Activation special call TM28RT tomorrow at 8h00 utc
Pactor mode on 14109 or 7047.9 khz center frequency
And other mode on other HF frequencies
From 28eme regiment transmission open door
I managed a #pactor 2 live QSO on 17M. Well, actually I linked into a BBS and the SYSOP was around so we had a nice chat. #amateurradio
Like every morning since 1 month winlink connection pactor 3 with vk3mit in longpath Codan NGT 50w antenna Endfed 10-80m modem Swiss PTCII
Longpath #pactor 3 connection to VK3MiT from jn15 with #codan NGT and #swiss_PTCII
#fromTwitter Apr 8, 2016
#Pactor up and running with the FT-950. Was testing how well it handled interference by using the notch filter.
The Robust Packet Network Europe community has arrived at Mastodon.Radio and Twitter becomes history.
@robustpacket will announce news concerning #rpr #pactor #aprs . New firmware for RPR modems, band activities and general updates will be found here.
Admin behind @robustpacket is @sa7sky
The hope is that previous Twitter follows will migrate to Mastodon as well.
73 de Helge
As a first entry I would like to mention themes of my interest.
I am fishing for hashtags like #hamradio #dmr #brandmeister #robustpacket #pactor #js8call #fldigi #aprs #tg24098 .
I am administrator of the #robustpacket radio website which gathers radio amateurs that like the Robust Packet Radio protocol/modems to exchange digital messages via shortwave.
DV meeting point is #tg24098 on #brandmeister #dmr . Welcome to call in!
#tg24098 #aprs #fldigi #js8call #pactor #robustpacket #brandmeister #dmr #hamradio
Le PK-232MBX fonctionne super bien, maintenant je m’occupe du connecteur arrière pour y brancher un poste. #aea #pk233 #pk232mbx #packet #rtty #pactor #amtor #morse #navtex #fec #ascii #mailbox
#mailbox #ascii #fec #navtex #morse #amtor #pactor #rtty #packet #pk232mbx #pk233 #aea
@Hammut Das PTC 2e bekomme ich übrigens nicht zum laufen. Wobei, es tut etwas, aber ich würde sagen, nicht korrekt. Bei jedem connect versuch sendet er 21mal hintereinander ohne auf Antwort zu warten. 🤷♂️ Selbst nach Factory Reset. Laut der Anleitung ist aber alles korrekt eingestellt. #pactor #hamradio