@SesameSquirrel @Titus88Titus I've already moved my clocks ahead, so yes I'm still watching my shows on the 🐣 I'll move #PaddiesSaturdayTVCatchup over to the 🐘 soon!
"I'm still the youngest but they are treating me like I'm the middlest child" OMG I'm crying laughing 🤣 #PaddiesSaturdayTVCatchup #HomeEconomics
#homeeconomics #paddiessaturdaytvcatchup
And if you ever watched Happy Endings on ABC the you'll get that joke! #HomeEconomics #PaddiesSaturdayTVCatchup
#paddiessaturdaytvcatchup #homeeconomics
And if you ever watched Happy Endings on ABC the you'll get that joke! #HomeEconomics #PaddiesSaturdayTVCatchup
#paddiessaturdaytvcatchup #homeeconomics
Could I love Penny Hartz 😍 any more! #HomeEconomics #PaddiesSaturdayTVCatchup
#paddiessaturdaytvcatchup #homeeconomics
Could I love Penny Hartz 😍 any more! #HomeEconomics #PaddiesSaturdayTVCatchup
#paddiessaturdaytvcatchup #homeeconomics
"It's not everyday you have to introduce your dad to your secret child" This is going to be a great episode of #HomeEconomics #PaddiesSaturdayTVCatchup
#paddiessaturdaytvcatchup #homeeconomics
"It's not everyday you have to introduce your dad to your secret child" This is going to be a great episode of #HomeEconomics #PaddiesSaturdayTVCatchup
#paddiessaturdaytvcatchup #homeeconomics
#AbbottElementary could not been more perfect this week! That show is just amazing! #PaddiesSaturdayTVCatchup #AbbottElementary
#paddiessaturdaytvcatchup #abbottelementary
#AbbottElementary could not been more perfect this week! That show is just amazing! #PaddiesSaturdayTVCatchup #AbbottElementary
#paddiessaturdaytvcatchup #abbottelementary
"I bet you believe dinosaurs really went extinct"
I just caught this! The way Mr. Johnson is being done the same way that "Janitor" (Niel Flynn) was done on *Scrubs*
#PaddiesSaturdayTVCatchup #AbbottElementary
#abbottelementary #paddiessaturdaytvcatchup
"I bet you believe dinosaurs really went extinct"
I just caught this! The way Mr. Johnson is being done the same way that "Janitor" (Niel Flynn) was done on *Scrubs*
#PaddiesSaturdayTVCatchup #AbbottElementary
#abbottelementary #paddiessaturdaytvcatchup
"You might want to have that chiled checked out for salmonella"
OMG!!! I just fell off the couch laughing! 🤣
#abbottelementary #paddiessaturdaytvcatchup
"You might want to have that chiled checked out for salmonella"
OMG!!! I just fell off the couch laughing! 🤣
#abbottelementary #paddiessaturdaytvcatchup
"Mrs. Howarard, what is SLUT?""
"It is the Saint Louis University of....umm..technology"
Ghah... I love Barabra..... ermm Mrs. Howard #PaddiesSaturdayTVCatchup #AbbottElementary
#abbottelementary #paddiessaturdaytvcatchup
"Mrs. Howarard, what is SLUT?""
"It is the Saint Louis University of....umm..technology"
Ghah... I love Barabra..... ermm Mrs. Howard #PaddiesSaturdayTVCatchup #AbbottElementary
#abbottelementary #paddiessaturdaytvcatchup
"He's my best friend, he's my only friend" Oh, Eli is going to be so disappointed #PaddiesSaturdayTVCatchup #AbbottElementary
#abbottelementary #paddiessaturdaytvcatchup
"He's my best friend, he's my only friend" Oh, Eli is going to be so disappointed #PaddiesSaturdayTVCatchup #AbbottElementary
#abbottelementary #paddiessaturdaytvcatchup
"It's a beef rib... stay out of my garden" so many thro=backs in that opening and I love it! 🤣 #PaddiesSaturdayTVCatchup #AbbottElementary
#abbottelementary #paddiessaturdaytvcatchup
"It's a beef rib... stay out of my garden" so many thro=backs in that opening and I love it! 🤣 #PaddiesSaturdayTVCatchup #AbbottElementary
#abbottelementary #paddiessaturdaytvcatchup