· @chestas
532 followers · 3314 posts · Server aus.social

The Tasmanian Pademelon is a unique species, different to other pademelons on the mainland of Australia. This small marsupial is very furry, has small round ears and a scrappy little tail. Besides being much smaller, the wispy tail is a good way to differentiate between wallabies and pademelons.

But as if Tasmanian Pademelons couldn't get any cuter, they're also known a Rufous-Bellied Pademelons because they have yellowy-red fur on their tummies ❀️ 😍 😳

I saw this little one when walking around the Nut in Stanley.

#tasmania #lutruwita #pademelon #nature #animals #cute

Last updated 1 year ago

Larena Woodmore · @larena
464 followers · 248 posts · Server theblower.au

One of my trailcams managed to photograph another pademelon on an invisible hoverbike.

CW: animated

#tasmania #pademelon #marsupial #flying #hoverbike #funnny #trailcam

Last updated 2 years ago

Larena Woodmore · @larena
396 followers · 133 posts · Server theblower.au

@loren I can't bring myself to make things up, so here's a short clip of a pademelon joey being naughty instead.

#tasmania #pademelon #trailcam #macropod #joey #marsupial #nature #naughty

Last updated 2 years ago

Larena Woodmore · @larena
377 followers · 93 posts · Server theblower.au

@loren Sorry you had a shitty day. I thought maybe you could use a pademelon hug.

#tasmania #tasmanianforest #pademelon #macropod #marsupial #nature #trailcam

Last updated 2 years ago

Larena Woodmore · @larena
376 followers · 90 posts · Server theblower.au

Just spent the morning reinforcing my little veggie garden with wire all around.

It was just covered with bird netting but a few nights ago one large pademelon noticed grass, weeds and cabbages in there. He also worked out that if he shoved his head at the netting hard enough he could tear a hole in the netting and let himself (and a baby rabbit at one point) in for a snack.

After making new holes for the last three nights he's not going to be happy tonight, but my cabbages will be.

This photo isn't him. Males are musclier but I don't have a good photo.

#tasmania #pademelon #marsupial #macropod #intruder #vegetablethief

Last updated 2 years ago

Larena Woodmore · @larena
367 followers · 82 posts · Server theblower.au

*Long update post*

A month ago, on my old instance, I posted this photo of a tiny pademelon joey we found wandering about without a mother. Although small to be on his own, he (joeys all seem like boys to me, but it might be a girl) was able to feed himself, had good hiding instincts and the weather was warm so we thought he'd be able to survive OK without human assistance.

I'm happy to say he's fine, and we named him Chandler (Joey, Chandler, get it?). Every night, we watched him hop from the forest to the house at dusk. He initially preferred to eat little grass shoots between the paving and in the driveway gravel, but after a couple of weeks he moved around to the other side of the house where it's more grassy.

He's grown now, so we can't identify him amongst the other joeys that are ganining independence but I'm sure Chandi's there with the rest of them.

#tasmania #macropod #marsupial #pademelon #orphaned #survivor #nature #babyanimal #cute

Last updated 2 years ago

Larena Woodmore · @larena
330 followers · 68 posts · Server theblower.au

Just checked a trailcam and found a photo of a pademelon on an invisible hoverbike.πŸ˜‚

#tasmania #pademelon #marsupial #flying #hoverbike #funnny #trailcam

Last updated 2 years ago

Larena Woodmore · @larena
286 followers · 26 posts · Server theblower.au

Meet our marsupial gardening crew. Every night, 30 - 100 pademelons and a few wallabies look after the lawns. They take care of mowing, edging and fertilising.

We don't see possums every night, but there's often 1 - 6 of them. They take care of eating all fruit from the fruit trees and destroying any part of the vegetable garden that isn't fully enclosed so it's lucky they're cute.

#nature #marsupials #tasmania #gardencare #lawncare #pademelon #wallaby #possum

Last updated 2 years ago

Larena Woodmore · @larena
165 followers · 120 posts · Server mastodon.au

Just look at this adorable pademelon joey that visited last night!😍

I don't know where it's mum was, but the weather's warm, it was happily eating grass and had good instincts to hide as soon as we went outside, so it's able to look after itself.

#pademelon #joey #babyanimal #marsupial #tasmania #nature

Last updated 2 years ago

Larena Woodmore · @larena
123 followers · 88 posts · Server mastodon.au
Larena Woodmore · @larena
123 followers · 88 posts · Server mastodon.au

@loren Here's our marsupial gardening crew. Every night, 30 - 100 pademelons and a few wallabies look after the lawns. They take care of mowing, edging and fertilising.

We don't see possums every night, but there's often 1 - 6 of them. They take care of eating all fruit from the fruit trees and destroying any part of the vegetable garden that isn't fully enclosed so it's lucky they're cute.

#nature #marsupials #tasmania #gardencare #pademelon #wallaby #possum

Last updated 2 years ago

Larena Woodmore · @larena
96 followers · 69 posts · Server mastodon.au

We set a trailcam pointing at a hole next to the driveway for a few days, to see if it was a burrow. Nothing used the hole but there was lots of animal activity. Here's photos of and#echidna . Masto only allows 4 photos but there were also a and

#pademelon #quoll #bandicoot #bassianthrush #brushtailedpossum #biodiversity #trailcam #wildlife #tasmania #tasmanianforest #marsupial #monotreme #carnivore

Last updated 2 years ago

ibk · @ibk
19 followers · 72 posts · Server aus.social

One of the pademelons resident in our garden, with her joey.

#pademelon #tasmania #babyanimal #gardenvisitors

Last updated 2 years ago

daisyeverlasting · @daisyeverlasting
17 followers · 60 posts · Server masto.ai

🐝 🌏
An adorable Pademelon. This little Wallaby lives in Cradle Vally Tasmania, a place that has enchanted paths though moss covered Forrests.

#tasmania #australia #photography #nature #pademelon #moss

Last updated 2 years ago