I noticed whenever you criticise or call out #paedophilia, some idiot responds by calling you "antisemitic" or "homophobe".
So, are they sating Jews and Homosexuals are paedophiles and should be condemned? 🤣
#pedophile #paedophilia #pedophilia #pedo #jews #antisemitism #gays #homosexual #lgbtq #groomers #anglican
#paedophilia #pedophile #pedophilia #pedo #jews #antisemitism #gays #homosexual #lgbtq #groomers #anglican
理由。 何よりもKu Klux Klanの思想にのめり
Rothschild Familyの支援で建設したDisney
児童誘拐, 性犯罪に助けることになるから。
#waltdisney #paedophilie #Rothschild
#DisneyResort #paedophilia #KuKluxKlan
#SexCrime #Kidnapping
#kidnapping #sexcrime #kukluxklan #paedophilia #disneyresort #rothschild #paedophilie #waltdisney
Meta scrambles to fix Instagram algorithm promoting paedophilia content | The Independent
#meta #instagram #paedophilia #ChildSexAbuse #algorithm #SIO #csam #paedophiles
Now why would they want to defrock someone who reflects their values?
#paedophilia #priests #religion
#paedophilia #priests #religion
David Blunkett's only complaint about Sue Ellen Braverman's LIES regarding paedophilia is that she blamed Labour councils for tolerating it?
No mention that the allegation of an ethnic/religious aspect to child abuse,is UNTRUE? Apparently not.
Perhaps they both should read this morning's headlines
and start thinking about the children rather than blowing their racist voter dogwhistles?
#paedophilia #immigration #braverman #labour
One thing missing from this report about the banning from Britain of Danish-Swedish far-right activist #RasmusPaludan is that he is a nonce.
#rasmuspaludan #quranburning #racism #islamophobia #fascism #paedophilia
How Cardinal George Pell schmoozed selected Murdoch NewsCorp 'journalists' to overlook his appalling behaviour. Are they complicit? #Paedophilia #CatholicChurch https://www.thesaturdaypaper.com.au/news/media/2023/01/21/how-cardinal-george-pell-seduced-news-corp
To be a #sexual assault victim of #catholic clergy is to know the truth – the truth of your own experience. That truth, long suppressed by victim, perpetrator and organisation alike is what keeps the crime of #paedophilia alive. Children are easily intimidated and silenced. #Pell #Australia https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jan/16/sexual-abuse-victims-know-the-truth-george-pell-allowed-lives-to-be-destroyed-to-protect-himself-and-the-catholic-church?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
#australia #pell #paedophilia #catholic #sexual
Yuk, just came across a #paedophilia account on @mstdn.jp I'm hoping it's a one off
It began on the Left with promotion of #Gay marriage. They then tried to convince the world that there are dozens of genders and if you insist that Science proves otherwise, you are considered a ‘bigot,’ now that transgenderism insanity is considered a ‘ #religion.’ Even worse, the Left is promoting ‘ #paedophilia acceptance.’ Where will it end?
In June 2006 Richard #Stallman is "skeptical" about the #paedophilia that harms #children.
Via @Fo0 .
#stallman #paedophilia #children #leaders #pedoCrime
Uncomfortable reading about the series of abuses done by Australian paedophile Boris Kunsevitsky over a period of 15 years in Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia and Australia.
#ChildAbuse #Crimes #Paedophilia #Malaysia #Singapore #Indonesia #Philippines #Australia
#childabuse #crimes #paedophilia #australia #malaysia #singapore #indonesia #philippines