#Paeonia 'Callie's Memory', #Itoh / Intersectional #peony, 1999, Anderson, R. F. (P. 'Martha W.' x P. 'Daphnis D-74'). This was an interesting one to grow, the flowers would range all the way from pale yellow to what you see here, changing with the weather and their age.
#Photography #horticulture #Flowers #Gardening #garden #peony #itoh #paeonia
#Paeonia 'Julia Rose' Intersectional (Itoh) #Peony. I can't find official registration for it (I've written to the registrar but chances are they're too busy to respond to every little query). However, there are numerous mentions of it being introduced by Roger Anderson in 1986 - this from specialist sources, so it seems legit.
#Photography #Flowers #Gardening #garden #peony #paeonia