Tamsin Lewis · @passamezzo
316 followers · 110 posts · Server hcommons.social

figures of : ,# Ceres, (abundance) and (goddess of shepherds, here described as rustica cum caseo - with cheese!) All playing

To the right, the figures of Ignis (fire) and Aer (air) - the other two are on the following page.

From the showing the 8 held for the Christening of Princess Elisabeth of Hesse in 1596.
Bavarian State Library: Cod.icon. 340.

@earlymusic @earlymodern @histodons @histodon

#allegorical #plenty #flora #ops #pales #cornetti #elemental #elements #16thcentury #pageantbook #pageants #earlymusic #earlymodern #cheese #histodon #histodons #Cornet #cornetto #cornett #allegory #mythology #latin

Last updated 1 year ago

Nando161 · @nando161
621 followers · 30483 posts · Server kolektiva.social
Nando161 · @nando161
550 followers · 23582 posts · Server kolektiva.social

" after they get butch kicked out of for looking too much like a , call women men they don't fit a , say who've had mastectomies (which are mostly cancer patients) are mutilated, reduce women down to their , act like men are little who can't for themselves, say women are naturally worse at and and beauty than men, flash a fake bush in with present, rile up so much about trans that now there's being made where little girls have to have , and throw people under the bus at every "


#terfs #women #womens #bathrooms #man #cis #because #white #western #beauty #standard #people #anatomy #trans #clueless #girls #think #sports #quiz #shows #pageants #parliament #children #bullshit #athletes #laws #genital #inspections #intersex #opportunity

Last updated 2 years ago

Tamsin Lewis · @passamezzo
278 followers · 81 posts · Server hcommons.social
Rob / OGTrekker · @ogtrekker
847 followers · 4620 posts · Server universeodon.com

One of these photos is a harmful display of child , that's dangerous for a child's overall self-worth and exposes them to adult gender roles. The other is a photo of a drag queen.

#gop #gaslighting #occupydemocrats #childpageants #grooming #dragqueen #drag #artists #pageants

Last updated 2 years ago

Agree completely. Kiddie pageants are porn, are grooming, are sexualizing children, and teaching young preschool and elementary age girls that their only value in life is how sexy they look.

These photos of preschoolers in "child beauty pageants," aka kiddie porn pageants, which are largely held in republican southern and midwestern counties, are from events where girls as young as two or three are dressed up in ridiculously sexualizing outfits, makeup, hair styles, and are paraded around by their families and photographed in pouty & flirty poses wearing bathing suits and negligee. It's absolutely disgusting.

Drag queen story hour is absolutely wholesome compared to kiddie pageants.

#childabuse #groomers #pedophilia #pageants

Last updated 2 years ago

Haiku News · @haikubot
64 followers · 327 posts · Server mastodon.cloud