The Delhi government has issued a notice outlining significant measures in light of the upcoming G20 Summit scheduled in Delhi.
#Delhi #G20 #G20Summit #PaidHolidays #DelhiPolice #ShopClosure #IndiaNews
#delhi #g20 #g20summit #paidholidays #delhipolice #shopclosure #indianews
@threetails Espechally since a lot of "benefits" and "perks" are mandatory in #Germany and the rest of the #EU - unlike the #USA.
Things like #AffordabelHealthcare that isn't tied to an employer, #PaidSickLeave, #PaidParentalLeave and madatory #PaidHolidays and #PaidVacation Leave...
I just think a lot of people in the USA have been accustomed to a toxic work culture...
#paidvacation #paidholidays #paidparentalleave #paidsickleave #affordabelhealthcare #USA #EU #Germany
Dickens ChristmasCarol:
“You don’t think me ill used when I pay a day’s wages for no work.”
The genius of Dickens was to create a miserly character like Scrooge while hiding his potential for generosity, which is later brought out by the ghost visits.
We sometimes forget how much our employment conditions have improved since 1853 and assume that they will continue to improve, which is not guaranteed.
#ChristmasCarol #PaidHolidays
It is strange having multiple days off. I haven't had more than two days in a row off in three years. #holiday #paidholidays