Four-day work week trial and year of paid parental leave recommended by Senate committee
The committee suggested the government use the 100:80:100 model:
"Whereby employees retain 100 per cent of the salary while reducing their hours to 80 per cent while maintaining 100 per cent productivity," it said.
This is an excellent idea for work life balance, families, new parents, productivity, and overall quality of life. I think it will be especially useful for Knowledge Workers — contrary to what many managers say, more hours of work does _not_ increase the quantity of output, and I find that long hours decreases the quality of output and leads to having to fix-up stuff later. If you're serious about achieving good quality at work then don't over-do the hours.
#AusPol #WorkLifeBalance #FourDayWorkWeek #Productivity #PaidParentalLeave
#auspol #worklifebalance #fourdayworkweek #productivity #paidparentalleave
@threetails Espechally since a lot of "benefits" and "perks" are mandatory in #Germany and the rest of the #EU - unlike the #USA.
Things like #AffordabelHealthcare that isn't tied to an employer, #PaidSickLeave, #PaidParentalLeave and madatory #PaidHolidays and #PaidVacation Leave...
I just think a lot of people in the USA have been accustomed to a toxic work culture...
#paidvacation #paidholidays #paidparentalleave #paidsickleave #affordabelhealthcare #USA #EU #Germany
Due to minimum hour, tenure, and firm size requirements, most Latinx (66.9%), Black (60.2%), and White (55.3%) workers are ineligible or likely to be unable to afford to take unpaid #FMLA leave. Adopting a comprehensive, inclusive #PaidParentalLeave policy and closing gaps in #Breastfeeding break legislation would remove work-related barriers; reduce racial, ethnic, and gender #inequities; and align U.S. national policies with global norms. New open-access study:
#inequities #breastfeeding #paidparentalleave #fmla
Our mission is to make Australia the best country in the world to be a parent @georgiedent @the_parenthood @chilliiq - Advancing #WomeninLaw Conference! My greatest pleasure to introduce my amazing friend today 🤩 💚 #paidparentalleave #GenderEquity #flexiblework
#womeninlaw #paidparentalleave #genderequity #flexiblework
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