Warmth Highest · @WarmthHighest
71 followers · 242 posts · Server home.social

cnn.com/2022/12/21/business/wa this lawsuit is horrible- were walmart pharmacies really supposed to not fill prescriptions for pain medications? so sick of hearing about the supposedly new What we need to be worrying about is the new from people in severe pain being prescribed as if it helps and doesn't destroy your kidneys and liver at 800 mgs dosage

#opioidcrisis #paincrisis #ibuprofen #pain #painreliefisahumanright #painrelief

Last updated 2 years ago

Warmth Highest · @WarmthHighest
71 followers · 239 posts · Server home.social

cnn.com/2022/12/21/business/wa this lawsuit was horrible- were walmart pharmacies really supposed to not fill prescriptions for pain medications? so sick of hearing about the supposedly new What we need to be worrying about is the new from people in severe pain being prescribed as if it helps and doesn't destroy your kidneys and liver at 800 mgs dosage

#opioidcrisis #paincrisis #ibuprofen #fakeopiodcrisis #pain #painreliefisahumanright #painrelief

Last updated 2 years ago