Using #Tidal on a 16G #iPhone 6s is a #painintheass.
The app makes temporary movie (!) files and fills up all the storage space eventually.
Yes, you can delete the files from Settings > Storage – but only one by one.
Yes, there are cleaner apps available, but they ignore these files, since they’re ”downloads”, not visible in Photos for example.
No, I’m not gonna upgrade the damn phone. I’m perfectly happy with the damn phone. I just don’t use Tidal on the damn phone.
#firstworldproblems #painintheass #iPhone #Tidal
Schuhe kaufen mit Schuhgröße 48, breiten Füßen und dann im Idealfall noch vegan ist ein einziger Pain in the ass. Ich habe bestimmt 12 Schuhläden in Hamburg durch, bin von meinem Vorsatz vegane Schuhe zu kaufen ab und habe Schuhe im Wert von fast 1000€ bestellt und wieder zurück geschickt. Nichts passt. Nicht mal die, die mir nicht gefallen.
Ich hasse es.
#schuhe #übergröße #painintheass #frust #shopping #store #einzelhandel
#schuhe #ubergroße #painintheass #frust #shopping #store #einzelhandel
#LibreOffice ist echt ein #PainInTheAss wenn man mal etwas komplexeres machen will.
Formel eingefügt und sie lässt sich nicht vergrößern/verkleinern...
Diagramm einfügen?
Klar, du hast dann eine schöne weiße Box ohne Diagramm in deiner Präsentation, die du wieder verschieben kannst, aber nicht in der Größe verändern
Die frisch ausgebuddelten #StachysAffinis schmecken einfach in Butter gedünstet ganz besonders fein. Aber die vorher sauber zu bürsten, war ein spätösterlicher #painintheass #Permakultur #Selbstversorgergarten
#stachysaffinis #painintheass #permakultur #selbstversorgergarten
Setting up NeoVim proves to be such a huge pain the ass that I'm finally committing to learning Helix. #neovim #helix #painintheass
Nick and I collectively spent over 3 hours comparing 4 Prescription Discount programs to our current insurance. Using 1 of 3 discounts or insurance for each of 8 scripts, and 2 different pharmacies, we can get the cost down to around $200 instead of over $800 with just insurance. Street price is well over $1100. #whataracket #painintheass #insurance #healthcare
#whataracket #painintheass #insurance #healthcare
It's so frustrating sometimes that Jetpack forces you to use the WPcom interface. It can't communicate with a site that's very legitimately hidden (in development) so you simply can't test things properly.
Case in point: why can't I add my social networks within WP Admin and set up the sharing buttons inside my site?
I open the door and the dog bolts away from what it was messing with.... Me "Oh that's not suspicious at all, no" #dogs #painintheass
I'm still on #Instagram 🤔
Now they try to kick me out. Without any reason they suspended my account.
To prove that I am me, I have to:
- enter my mobile number
- receive a code
- write that code down on a blank piece of paper
- hold that paper up next to my face
- take a selfie (sweet: they give recommandations how to make a selfie)
- upload this #mugshot
- wait patiently until they check my #identity and let me in again.
I'm partially #disabled, this procedure is a #PainInTheAss and absolutely annoying.
The #fediverse is no viable #alternative to the #suckerberg #metaverse yet, because I have quite a lot of contacts I'd loose. (I'm a #photographer ).So I nedd to run a #ParallelAccount. Looking forward to leave this #CorporateHellhole.
#corporatehellhole #parallelaccount #photographer #metaverse #suckerberg #alternative #fediverse #painintheass #disabled #identity #Mugshot #instagram
How it started and how it’s going… #diy #homeProject #PainInTheAss
#diy #homeproject #painintheass
If you’re a #Python #coder or really any #language of #programming with #TestDrivenDevelopment #tdd there is a real sense of satisfaction at seeing a console of passing unit #tests with the module/class/method tests like branches of a happy #geek Christmas tree with the green “[OK]” like ornaments.
I worked really damn hard to get all that there. #Testcode is a #PainInTheAss. But at 35K lines & 100 modules, this project is starting to feel real. (Alas, can give no further details on this one.)
#python #coder #language #programming #testdrivendevelopment #tdd #tests #geek #testcode #painintheass
Wir steuern auf eine ertragreiche Chiliernte zu
#chili #BhutJolokia #CarolinaReaper #painintheass
#chili #BhutJolokia #carolinareaper #painintheass