Earlier this week, I must have slept wrong, and I got a pain in the neck. I’ve tried heat, cold, stretches, etc. nothing has worked so far. Hoping I can get it to release soon. #painintheneck
Trying a few #spellchecker and #grammarchecker is #painintheneck. Will it work?
#spellchecker #grammarchecker #painintheneck
Pulsetto Review: Fizzy, Flawed - Can the pulsating Pulsetto really reduce stress, improve sleep, and alleviate anxiety? Fo... - https://www.wired.com/review/review-pulsetto/ #gear/products/healthandfitness #gear/products #painintheneck #gear/reviews #gear
Wired: Pulsetto Review: Fizzy, Flawed https://www.wired.com/review/review-pulsetto/ #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Gear/Products/HealthandFitness #Gear/Products #Painintheneck #Gear/Reviews #Wearables #Gear
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #gear #painintheneck #wearables
Would have graduated from PT today if I hadn't injured myself again... at PT.
#VeryGraceful #Klutz #ProneToInjury #PainInTheNeck #BackPain #CantCatchABreak #IShoulntSayBreakTooLoudly #Shhh #TooManyHashtags #ThePowersThatBeAreListening #OkayThisIsGettingOutOfHand #EnoughWithTheHashtags #RunningTheJokeIntoTheGround #ButSometimesThatsFunnyOnItsOwn #ButNotThisTime #HowDoIEndThis #IStillHaveCharactersLeft #OhForTheLoveOf #StopItJess #No #TalkingToMyself #LikeGollum #MyPrecious #500CharactersYet #Yes
#verygraceful #klutz #pronetoinjury #painintheneck #backpain #cantcatchabreak #ishoulntsaybreaktooloudly #shhh #toomanyhashtags #thepowersthatbearelistening #okaythisisgettingoutofhand #enoughwiththehashtags #runningthejokeintotheground #butsometimesthatsfunnyonitsown #butnotthistime #howdoiendthis #istillhavecharactersleft #ohfortheloveof #stopitjess #no #talkingtomyself #likegollum #myprecious #500charactersyet #yes
#apple forced me to put a gmail as my primary indentifier, instead of using my #icloud email. It’s been a #paininthearse #paininthebum #painintheneck for years, because every time I click #signinwithapple Sign In with Apple, it logs the #gmail as me, and sends all the emails to that. What’s the point of having an iCloud email in the first place?
#apple #icloud #paininthearse #paininthebum #painintheneck #signinwithapple #gmail
I have #Linux on two computers. My regular one and the #SteamDeck.
Most of my games I play on my Linux PC through remote play. #GTAV was one of those. #Payday2 is another.
Well #PlantsVsZombies doesn't need #RemotePlay. It's made for #TouchScreen.
#140 also does not require Remote Play.
Sometimes I just enable remote play because I wanna watch the game on a bigger screen, thus solely for #BiggerScreen and not having to bend my neck.
#linux #SteamDeck #gtav #payday2 #plantsvszombies #remoteplay #touchscreen #biggerscreen #neckpain #painintheneck
Eine Sache die ich auch auf Mastodon vermisse, sind diese nervigen gif-memes. Die lassen immer die Adrenalinraten der Tweetenden noch höher schnellen. #gif #meme #twittergifmeme #adrenalinerise #painintheneck
#gif #meme #twittergifmeme #adrenalinerise #painintheneck