Are you interested in the deeply beautiful #mathematical properties of the sixth #Painlevé equation? See our paper (with Viktoria Heu and Milena Radnovic) in Forum of Mathematics, Sigma now available through #open access 👉🏼
#Bales2023FilmChallenge February 28: A scientific movie for Indian #NationalScienceDay
#Film maker, photographer and honorary surrealist Jean Painlevé made #science films that verge on experimental art cinema. With custom-built camera setups, he explored the world above and below the water surface, and with that exposed human traits.
It's almost impossible to select one film from a filmography as vast as #Painlevé's. In honour of C.V. #Raman, lets go with Transition de phase dans les cristaux liquides (1978). It's on Ubu, in case you #wonder.
#film #documentary #photography #surrealism #nature #CVRAman @film
#bales2023filmchallenge #nationalscienceday #film #science #painleve #raman #wonder #documentary #photography #surrealism #nature #cvraman
#Bales2023FilmChallenge February 28: A scientific movie for Indian #NationalScienceDay
#Film maker, photographer and honorary surrealist Jean Painlevé made #science films that verge on experimental art cinema. With custom-built camera setups, he explored the world above and below the water surface, and with that exposed human traits.
It's almost impossible to select one film from a filmography as vast as #Painlevé's. In honour of CV Raman, lets go with Transition de phase dans les cristaux liquides (1978) for its wonderful, abstract quality. It's on Ubu, in case you #wonder.
#bales2023filmchallenge #nationalscienceday #film #science #painleve #wonder #documentary #photography #surrealism #nature