Warmth Highest · @WarmthHighest
71 followers · 242 posts · Server home.social

cnn.com/2022/12/21/business/wa this lawsuit is horrible- were walmart pharmacies really supposed to not fill prescriptions for pain medications? so sick of hearing about the supposedly new What we need to be worrying about is the new from people in severe pain being prescribed as if it helps and doesn't destroy your kidneys and liver at 800 mgs dosage

#opioidcrisis #paincrisis #ibuprofen #pain #painreliefisahumanright #painrelief

Last updated 2 years ago

Warmth Highest · @WarmthHighest
71 followers · 239 posts · Server home.social

cnn.com/2022/12/21/business/wa this lawsuit was horrible- were walmart pharmacies really supposed to not fill prescriptions for pain medications? so sick of hearing about the supposedly new What we need to be worrying about is the new from people in severe pain being prescribed as if it helps and doesn't destroy your kidneys and liver at 800 mgs dosage

#opioidcrisis #paincrisis #ibuprofen #fakeopiodcrisis #pain #painreliefisahumanright #painrelief

Last updated 2 years ago

FunChefChick (She/her) · @rosebigham
24 followers · 37 posts · Server mstdn.social

So that's my deal: Advocating for pain care. Working to stop those who threaten it and to advance policies & legislation to support it. I will never assert anything about pain management or addiction that I cannot back up w/sources - & I'll cite a ton of sources.

People should trust that their pain will be effectively treated, and medical professionals should trust that they can treat their patients w/o fear of persecution for simply doing their jobs.


#cripthevote #painreliefisahumanright

Last updated 2 years ago

FunChefChick (She/her) · @rosebigham
24 followers · 30 posts · Server mstdn.social

The advocacy group I co-run helps to ensure chronic pain patients (ok all pain patients) receive individualized healthcare. Each person deserves access to ALL the tools in the toolbox. Each person & their provider(s) should determine which therapy/therapies are most safe & effective for THEM.

Sadly, access to the world's most effective RX analgesic has been drastically reduced, especially for those disabled by pain.

You'll see a lot from me about this.

#cripthevote #painreliefisahumanright

Last updated 2 years ago

FunChefChick · @rosebigham
8 followers · 14 posts · Server mstdn.social

I am Rose and I live in the glorious (and damp) Pacific Northwest with one goofy dog.

I worked in tech for 25 years locally before becoming disabled by health issues.

Now I co-run a patient advocacy group in Washington state (when I can) to help shape healthcare policy and legislation to ensure people with pain - and their providers - are not negatively impacted by people who don't know PAIN.

#patientadvocate #advocacy #foodies #Dogs #painreliefisahumanright #pain #disability #Introduction

Last updated 2 years ago