The Three Hunters are complete, which means my first Middle Earth army (The Return of the King) is done! I’m particularly pleased with how Legolas came out. He’s probably one of my best paint jobs to date. Also pretty happy with the freehand on Gimli’s shoulder.
#miniaturepainting #paintingmiddleearth #mesbg #threehunters #aragorn #legolas #gimli
#miniaturepainting #paintingmiddleearth #mesbg #threehunters #aragorn #legolas #gimli
The return of the king.
#miniaturepainting #paintingmiddleearth #mesbg #threehunters #aragorn #legolas #gimli
#miniaturepainting #paintingmiddleearth #mesbg #threehunters #aragorn #legolas #gimli
“I never thought I’d get painted side by side with an elf.”
“What about side by side with a friend?”
“Aye, I could do that.”
#miniaturepainting #paintingmiddleearth #mesbg #gimli #legolas
#miniaturepainting #paintingmiddleearth #mesbg #gimli #legolas
Working on the Three Hunters, and putting down base coats with contrast paints. So far, so good. Metallics are next, and then highlights and cleanup.
#miniaturepainting #paintingmiddleearth #mesbg #middleearthstrategybattlegame #threehunters #aragorn #legolas #gimli
#miniaturepainting #paintingmiddleearth #mesbg #middleearthstrategybattlegame #threehunters #aragorn #legolas #gimli