A Kid Hero and her partner from Reaper Miniatures Bones 5. They seem like a friendly pair. Looks like they’ve been eating jelly sandwiches. Yeah. Jelly.
#miniatures #miniaturePainting #paintingMinis #paintingMiniatures #reaperMiniatures #reaperMini #painting #art #DnDArt #DnDMiniatures #paintSlam22 #wildcat #wizard
#wizard #wildcat #paintslam22 #dndminiatures #dndart #art #painting #reapermini #reaperminiatures #paintingminiatures #paintingminis #miniaturepainting #miniatures
A Kid Hero and his bird partner from Reaper Miniatures #bones5. They both have a toucan-do attitude.
#miniatures #miniaturePainting #paintingMinis #paintingMiniatures #reaperMiniatures #reaperMini #painting #art #DnDArt #DnDMiniatures #paintSlam22 #toucan
#toucan #paintslam22 #dndminiatures #dndart #art #painting #reapermini #reaperminiatures #paintingminiatures #paintingminis #miniaturepainting #miniatures #bones5
#hobbystreak day 292 I've finished an ambot which i'm pround of, now i have two of them and i think i'll paint my dome runner conversion next #warhammer
#Paintslam22 #Minipainting #Miniatures #MiniaturePainting
#hobbystreak #warhammer #paintslam22 #minipainting #miniatures #miniaturepainting
Final #PaintSlam22 log. 53 minis completed this year which is 22 more than I managed last year so pleased with that. House move derailed any further progress but hopefully I'll find my painting mojo again in the new year ready for #PaintSlam23
Finished painting a Commander and Crisis Suit Team for my T’au Empire army
#Warmongers #WarHamFam #WarhammerCommunity #PaintingWarhammer #PaintingGamesWorkshop #PaintingWarhammer2022 #PaintSlam22 #Warhammer40k #Warhammer40000 #TauEmpire #TauSept #TauCommander #ColdstarBattlesuit #Battlesuit #XV86 #XV86ColdstarBattlesuit #XV8 #XV8CrisisBattlesuit #ShieldDrone #CrisisSuit #CrisisSuitTeam #ForTheGreaterGood
#warmongers #warhamFam #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #paintinggamesworkshop #paintingwarhammer2022 #paintslam22 #warhammer40k #warhammer40000 #tauempire #tausept #taucommander #coldstarbattlesuit #battlesuit #xv86 #xv86coldstarbattlesuit #xv8 #xv8crisisbattlesuit #shielddrone #crisissuit #crisissuitteam #forthegreatergood
#hobbystreak day 290 still working on my frostgrave mage, i think i've done a nice red clothe.
That said i think i'll do the other part of the clothes in blue in order to constrast with the rest
#Paintslam22 #Minipainting #Miniatures #MiniaturePainting #WarhammerCommunity #warhammer
#hobbystreak #paintslam22 #minipainting #miniatures #miniaturepainting #warhammercommunity #warhammer
#hobbystreak day 289 a bit of work on the blade of one of the witch from frostgrave
I really like my job on it, i think i've sucessfully made it look like a crystal blade
#Paintslam22 #Minipainting #Miniatures #MiniaturePainting #WarhammerCommunity #warhammer
#hobbystreak #paintslam22 #minipainting #miniatures #miniaturepainting #warhammercommunity #warhammer
Would love some C&C on these Votann. I feel like it's close but not quite. Where is the effect working for you? Where is it not?
#warhammercommunity #paintslam22 #votann
Painting up a squad of Scouts for my Imperial Fists the past few days
Armed with Nemesis Bolters, so they should be fun!
#Warmongers #WarhammerCommunity #WarHamFam #PaintSlam22 #PaintingWarhammer #PaintingGamesWorkshop #PaintingWarhammer2022 #HorusHeresy #TheHorusHeresy #Warhammer30k #Warhammer30000 #ImperialFists #VIIth #VIIthLegion #ScoutSquad #NemesisBolter #HardForHeresy #FullyPaintedIsForClosers #ConkersDeep
#warmongers #warhammercommunity #warhamFam #paintslam22 #paintingwarhammer #paintinggamesworkshop #paintingwarhammer2022 #horusheresy #thehorusheresy #warhammer30k #warhammer30000 #ImperialFists #viith #viithlegion #scoutsquad #nemesisbolter #hardforheresy #fullypaintedisforclosers #conkersdeep
Finally got all my materials in to keep going on these OSL votann. This is my test base, would add a little glow from the crystal onto the model to tie it all together. What do you think? Maybe @JewelKnightJess can suggest a better background pic.
#warhammercommunity #paintslam22
Took some photos to submit to white dwarf. Thought I'd share! More in the comments.
#WarhammerCommunuty #WhiteDwarf #paintslam22 #Orruks
More Elf Quest! Treestump, King Greymung, and Madcoil.
#miniatures #miniaturePainting #elfquest #elf #troll #chimera #painting #art #DnDMiniatures #DnDArt #paintSlam22 #paintingMiniatures
#paintingminiatures #paintslam22 #dndart #dndminiatures #art #painting #chimera #troll #elf #elfquest #miniaturepainting #miniatures
you better watch out... Da Red Gobbo has some Duardin competition this year. a festive take on Dagnai Holdenstock for my Christmassy mini this year!
#WarhammerCommunity #warmongers #PaintSlam22 #paintingwarhammer
#warhammercommunity #warmongers #paintslam22 #paintingwarhammer
Finally some glam shots of the warmaster! I think I've over indexed on the big easy stuff as I have so much infantry left to do. Oh well. Brute for scale.
#warhammercommunity #warmaster #orcs #paintslam22
Still intending to do some proper glow up shots for these guys, but couldn't wait to share my first full Warmaster unit.
#WarhammerCommunuty #warmaster #paintslam22 #orcs
Finished painting up my Sector Pack from Dropfleet Commander that I got with the Kickstarter way back when, before it was a @ttcombatuk game!
#Warmongers #WarHamFam #PaintSlam22 #DropfleetCommander #Dropfleet #DFC #TTCombat #SectorPack #DropfleetCommanderSectorPack #DropfleetCommanderSectors #BGG
#warmongers #warhamFam #paintslam22 #dropfleetcommander #dropfleet #dfc #ttcombat #sectorpack #dropfleetcommandersectorpack #dropfleetcommandersectors #bgg
Just finished up these Gutrippas for my Orruk Warclans army, and these are the first Kruleboyz to join
Also here is a random Gutrippa from Getting Started with Age of Sigmar and Haggok the store birthday Boss
#Warmongers #WarhammerCommunity #WarHamFam #PaintSlam22 #WarhammerAgeOfSigmar #WarhammerAoS #AoS #AgeOfSigmar #GrandAllianceDestruction #OrrukWarclans #Kruleboyz #Gutrippas #KruleboyzGutrippas #PaintingWarhammer #PaintingWarhammer2022 #PaintinhGamesWorkshop
#warmongers #warhammercommunity #warhamFam #paintslam22 #warhammerageofsigmar #warhammeraos #aos #ageofsigmar #grandalliancedestruction #orrukwarclans #Kruleboyz #gutrippas #kruleboyzgutrippas #paintingwarhammer #paintingwarhammer2022 #paintinhgamesworkshop
Da Red Gobbo and Bounca!
Happy Holidays! May they time be good for you all, and may your squigs bounce high!
#miniatures #miniaturePainting #warhammer #warhammer40k #goblins #squig #WarhammerCommunity #painting #art #DnDMiniatures #DnDArt #paintSlam22 #paintingMiniatures
#paintingminiatures #paintslam22 #dndart #dndminiatures #art #painting #WarhammerCommunity #squig #goblins #warhammer40k #warhammer #miniaturepainting #miniatures
I think I'll call it for #Paintslam22 - I don't think I'll fit in another personal project before Jan (I'll carry it over to #Paintslam23 if so!) Thanks again @jewelknightjess@twitter.com! 86 this year, 167 last year (but c. 350 minis for clients, which prob explains it!)
#paintslam22 #paintslam23 #miniaturepainting