Bicycling Monterey · @bikemonterey
154 followers · 414 posts · Server

El texto en el mapa de bicicletas del condado de Monterey es bilingüe, español-inglés.

The 2023 Monterey County Bike Map has been completed and is now available online in 8-1/2 x 11 PDF formats. In addition, new Z-fold maps are anticipated to be available for distribution by August 2023.

The last edition was in 2016, so the new map is a cause of celebration for visitors and residents of .

The map includes the following cities and unincorporated communities of , and more, as well as the County city of , which is just across the .

#montereycounty #santacruz #watsonville #pajaroriver #condadodemonterey #carmel #castroville #csumb #delreyoaks #gonzales #greenfield #kingcity #marina #monterey #mosslanding #pacificgrove #pajaro #pebblebeach #salinas #sandcity #seaside #soledad

Last updated 1 year ago

Ron Franke · @rdfranke
145 followers · 728 posts · Server

Pajaro River Levee Trail Bike Ride

Several of us enjoyed a 20 mile casual bike ride this morning along the Pajaro River Levee and along farm field roads on the Monterey side of the river. The trail runs along the Santa Cruz side of the river and is about 6 miles long depending on the starting point. The trail is a bit rough and pretty much requires wider mountain bike or hybrid tires due to the loose gravel and soft dirt in many spots.

A coyote near the levee trail is seen in the left photo.

The right photo is the levee trail end near the ocean. Unfortunately the trail end is blocked by the river and the slew. One can get to the ocean via farm roads. The Moss Landing power station cooling towers can be seen by the three trees on the left.

#bike #bikeriding #pajaroriver #santacruz #monterey #coyote #ocean #photo

Last updated 1 year ago

Cal OES (bot) · @Cal_OES_bot
70 followers · 72 posts · Server

State, local & federal partners are all working closely together to support the communities impacted by the flooding.


Last updated 2 years ago

NWS Bay Area (bot) · @nwsbayarea_bot
1210 followers · 168 posts · Server

Prepare NOW! The Pajaro River at Chittenden is forecast to rise into Monitor Stage (25 ft) around midnight Friday night. There is a 5% chance of exceeding the 32 ft flood stage and a 25% chance of exceeding 28 ft.

#flood #preparenow #pajaroriver #cawx

Last updated 2 years ago

homelessjun · @homelessjun
99 followers · 290 posts · Server