RT @AlshababRadio@twitter.com
Karim Younes, 66, was arrested by the Isr-aeli occ-upation forces in 1983 and sentenced to forty years, his mother, Subhia, embraced him last time when he was a young man aged 23, and now is now 66 old.
#Dreamspace #BlackFriday #PakatanHarapan #BoycottBollywood
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AlshababRadio/status/1595765984434221058
#dreamspace #blackfriday #pakatanharapan #boycottbollywood
#Malaysia still on tenterhooks 3 days after the polls delivered a hung parliament for the first time ever. #UMNO seems to be consumed by infighting after its disastrous result and it takes itself out of the picture. Can #Anwar Ibrahim's #PakatanHarapan or Muhyiddin Yassin's #PerikatanNasional pull it off without support from UMNO-led #BarisanNasional? Unprecedented drama. And Channel News Asia seems to have the latest as it happens. #GE15
#malaysia #umno #anwar #pakatanharapan #perikatannasional #barisannasional #ge15
Eh, parking dulu in case the bird dies.
#asalkanbukanbn #asalkanbukanpn #pakatanharapan #undibanjir #elonmuskisajoke
And this is what I call dirty tactics and being an idiot. He knows very well Vietnam is a communist country, and yet he wants to associate the flags with Vietnam. Indirectly saying Pakatan is communist.
#Ge15 #PakatanHarapan #Pakatan #MalaysiaGE15 #MalaysiaElection
#GE15 #pakatanharapan #pakatan #malaysiage15 #malaysiaelection
I understand. But what Rafizi is trying to say is why award to a single (no past performance and results) company and the company is without any track record? Just before the dissolution of parliament.
#Ge15 #PakatanHarapan #Pakatan #Rafizi #MalaysiaGE15 #MalaysiaElection
#GE15 #pakatanharapan #pakatan #rafizi #malaysiage15 #malaysiaelection
AlhamduliLlāh, 70 Profesor Melayu menyokong Anwar Ibrahim sebagai Perdana Menteri dan Pakatan Harapan sebagai Kerajaan. Antaranya Prof. Osman Bakar (ISTAC), Prof. Ahmat Adam, Prof. Razali Nawawi (Dekan pertama Ahmad Ibrahim Kuliyyah of Laws, IIUM) dan Prof. Najibah Md. Zain (AIKOL, IIUM).
Disertakan link YouTube bagi Sidang Media G70 dan Google Drive yang mengandungi teks penuh.
YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lqW3d00exx8
Google Drive:
#pru15 #malaysiamemilih #pakatanharapan
"Takdak serban ataih kepala pun takpa, tak pakai ketayap pun takpa.
Takdak selempang kat bahu pun takpa, yg tu takdak takpa.
Yg tak boleh takdak ialah INTEGRITI, KEADILAN, TADBIR URUS YG BAIK, itu tak boleh takda“
- Dato Dr Danial Zainal Abidin
I'm crying ya Allah... beratnya nak pikul amanah mentadbir negara dgn hutang mencecah trillion & ekonomi pula merudum. We are in need of servant leaders ya Rabb. Semoga termakbul doa yg baik2. #PRU15 #PakatanHarapan