Buenas 🙋♀️
¿Alguien dijo verde?
¡Vuelve a haber #Kale! 🤗
Y #rucula #acelgas #espinacas #lechuga #pakChoy y la #calabaza
¿Se os ocurren más verduras verdes? 😁😁😁
Tal vez el próximo #LunesDeCestas ☺️
¡Buena semana!
#kale #rucula #acelgas #espinacas #lechuga #pakchoy #calabaza #lunesdecestas
Buenas 🙋♀️
Lunes festivo por aquí y #LunesDeCestas que no falte. 🤗
Esta semana han empezado a venir #acelgas rojas y seguimos con las verdes. Las #espinacas popeyanas ☺️ #lechuga, #pakChoy y #calabaza
¡Buena y saludable semana! 😋
#lunesdecestas #acelgas #espinacas #lechuga #pakchoy #calabaza
The garden is getting a lot thirstier now! The water is almost completely gone (note the little cylinder in the closest left corner) after 6 days. I would normally fill it every 7 days but I was home sick last Monday. Replenished it with 1.5L. Plus it’s weekly 1.5ml+1.5ml of liquid fertilizers. #vegehome #OfficeGarden #lettuce #pakchoy #kale #arugula #basil
#vegehome #officegarden #lettuce #pakchoy #kale #arugula #basil
Cleaned up the #KitchenGarden (6x 4×4 raised beds next to the house) and planted tonight.
I added #Beets (Detroit, Detroit Golden, and Bulls Blood), #Mizuna, #Leeks (experiment since I missed the window), and #Pakchoy / #bokchoy.
Cleaned up all of the freeze damaged #lettuce, #cabbage, and attempted #brusselssprouts
Still have quite a bit of room left in the beds for some things like #Beans that can grow up onto the porch. Will plant #Tomato as well, possibly 6 different cherry varieties
#kitchengarden #beets #mizuna #leeks #pakchoy #bokchoy #lettuce #cabbage #brusselssprouts #beans #tomato