I wonder, why is the #Tolkien Estate okay with the companies like #Palantir and #Anduril using their names, after many years of suing others for the same thing (e.g. TSR for having hobbits in Dungeons & Dragons)? I wouldn't want to associate Tolkien's legacy with such... controversial entities. This really speaks volumes about their priorities.
#LordOfTheRings #Hobbit #Literature #Fiction #Law #Politics #PeterThiel #PalmerLuckey
#tolkien #palantir #anduril #lordoftherings #hobbit #literature #fiction #law #politics #peterthiel #palmerluckey
BREAKING: The former head of MI6 introduced Palantir to a top government official in the Cabinet Office a year before the US spy tech firm won a £27m contract with the department.
openDemocracy can reveal that Sir John Sawers set up a meeting between Palantir’s CEO and the Cabinet Office permanent secretary, John Manzoni, in 2019, when the company was pitching for new business.
#palantir #tech #uk #News #ukpol
Gizmodo: AI This Week: Chuck's Big Meeting with Zuck and Elon https://gizmodo.com/chuck-schumer-elon-musk-mark-zuckerberg-palantir-nvidia-1850788302?utm_source=regular #generativeartificialintelligence #computationalneuroscience #artificialintelligence #emergingtechnologies #digitalwatermarking #floriankerschbaum #machinelearning #markzuckerberg #googledeepmind #sundarpichai #chuckschumer #deeplearning #jensenhuang #lizschuler #watermark #samaltman #alexkarpy #fakenews #palantir #twitter #google
#generativeartificialintelligence #computationalneuroscience #artificialintelligence #emergingtechnologies #digitalwatermarking #floriankerschbaum #machinelearning #markzuckerberg #googledeepmind #sundarpichai #chuckschumer #deeplearning #jensenhuang #lizschuler #watermark #samaltman #alexkarpy #fakenews #palantir #twitter #google
Wow. "Those are most certainly words."(Made my day, @Alex) - Henry the K and Eric Schmidt of Google's glory wrote an unbelievably void piece on #AI to foster the believe in people so that their pal Peter Thiel of #Palantir could continue marketing AI weapons. (That was probably as wrong a summary as ChatGPT could have given or #Kissinger himself. But why did the #WST publish that crap?)
The best part starts at about 24:00 minutes. I love #peertube
#ai #palantir #kissinger #wst #peertube
Labour conference set to host weapons manufacturers and spyware firm.
Boeing, Palantir and Babcock listed as sponsors for fringe events run by New Statesman media group.
#greenwashing #Babcock #Boeing #Palantir #NewStatesman #Labour #UK #UKPolitics
#greenwashing #babcock #boeing #palantir #newstatesman #labour #uk #ukpolitics
Why is the #NHS contracting with #Palantir, a controversial US business whose founder, Peter #Thiel, is a buddy of #Trump & which undertakes “federal work, which includes building battlefield software, migrant surveillance systems and ‘predictive policing’ [#MinorityReport-style] tools to identify potential perpetrators and victims of crime.”
#NHS #palantir #thiel #trump #minorityreport
Gizmodo: ElevenLabs' AI Voice Generator Can Now Fake Your Voice in 30 Languages https://gizmodo.com/ai-voice-generator-elevenlabs-fake-voices-30-languages-1850762057 #applicationsofartificialintelligence #artificialintelligence #entertainmentculture #paradoxinteractive #technologyinternet #computergraphics #matistaniszewski #mustafasuleyman #speechsynthesis #deeplearning #inflectionai #rutgerhauer #elevenlabs #palantir
#applicationsofartificialintelligence #artificialintelligence #entertainmentculture #paradoxinteractive #technologyinternet #computergraphics #matistaniszewski #mustafasuleyman #speechsynthesis #deeplearning #inflectionai #rutgerhauer #elevenlabs #palantir
Gizmodo: ElevenLabs' AI Voice Generator Can Now Fake Your Voice in 30 Languages https://gizmodo.com/ai-voice-generator-elevenlabs-fake-voices-30-languages-1850762057 #entertainmentculture #paradoxinteractive #technologyinternet #matistaniszewski #mustafasuleyman #speechsynthesis #inflectionai #rutgerhauer #elevenlabs #palantir
#entertainmentculture #paradoxinteractive #technologyinternet #matistaniszewski #mustafasuleyman #speechsynthesis #inflectionai #rutgerhauer #elevenlabs #palantir
US spy-tech firm Palantir was a shoo-in for a multi-million-pound NHS contract months before the deal was signed, emails obtained by openDemocracy appear to show.
The email exchange from 2020, in which senior #NHS executives discussed the budget for a new national data platform, sees more than one person referring to #Palantir as the recipient of the funding.
#UK #UKGov #Health #DavidDavis #PeterTheil #CoriCrider #Foxglove #RachaelMaskell #Labour #Conservatives #UKpol
#nhs #palantir #uk #ukgov #health #daviddavis #petertheil #coricrider #foxglove #rachaelmaskell #labour #conservatives #ukpol
Spy tech firm #Palantir was shoo-in for #NHS data deal by #Tories fresh emails suggest
They know what they are doing. This is very bad for our #NHS and for our privacy.
Ukraine: Welche Rolle künstliche Intelligenz im Krieg spielt
Starlink, Palantir, Maxar: In der Ukraine helfen etliche Hightech-Firmen dem Militär. Wie groß ist der Einfluss von Hightech im Krieg - und gereicht er dem Land zum Vor- oder Nachteil? Von Jasper Steinlein.
➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/ki-ukraine-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de
#ukraine #kunstlicheintelligenz #krieg #palantir #starlink
@privacyint so #techbro #peterthiel is going after people with #disabilities in the #uk using his anti #privacy #surveillance company #palantir
God I hate #billionaires
#techbro #peterthiel #disabilities #uk #privacy #surveillance #palantir #billionaires
The latest efforts by US tech firm Palantir to mine our data in the UK are reported here, this time by canvassing new ways to target benefit fraud. (Of course, Palantir & its owner Peter Thiel aren't interested in the much bigger savings to be made by identifying tax avoidance and evasion).
"The US tech firm Palantir lobbied the UK disabilities minister to adopt new technology to crack down on benefits fraud"
#Palantir #Data #Benefits #Fraud #Software
#Software #fraud #benefits #Data #palantir
Info about the plan to sell our medical data to Palantir - a US based Trump supporting tech company.
This is a donation page, but shared so you can read more about it if you wish. We need to be in control of our data and who it is sold to.
#NHS #Data #Health #CareRecord #Palantir #PersonalInfo
#personalinfo #palantir #carerecord #Health #Data #nhs
Who would you believe? The government minister claiming there’ve been no problems with Palantir’s software? Or the NHS hospital in Liverpool that actually tried it, and says the trial had to be stopped because it didn’t do what NHS staff needed it to do?
We need answers urgently. Finding out what went wrong during trials of Palantir's software at NHS hospitals could be key to preventing them getting the new £480m NHS data contract.
Auch das Land #NRW setzt die #Palantir-Software #Gotham ein: https://www1.wdr.de/nachrichten/landespolitik/nrw-polizei-datenbank-software-palantir-kosten-100.html
Dafür hat es Palantir nicht nur mit Daten bezahlt, sondern auch noch 40 Millionen € draufgelegt. Damit kann Peter Thiel mehrere rechtsextreme Präsidentschaftskandidaten kaufen. Was er schon getan hat, wie das Filmchen zeigt.
Peter Thiel ist weder der reichste noch der bekannteste Silicon-Valley-Milliardär, aber sicherlich der gefährlichste. Dieses knapp 15-minütige Filmchen des @ZDF stellt ihn vor: https://www.zdf.de/dokumentation/zdfinfo-doku/wer-ist-peter-thiel-radikale-politik-mit-tech-milliarden-100.html
Chef der #Paypal-Mafia, erster #Facebook-Investor, #Palantir-Mitbegründer, #Trump-Spender … viele wissen das.
Da es kein eingekauftes Filmchen ist, hätte ich erwartet, dass ein Bezug zur EU oder D hergestellt wird. Wer weiß schon, dass Palantir dank Hessen-Innenminister Peter Beuth durch #HessenData Zugriff auf interne Polizeidatenbanken hat?
Das steht in der Wikipedia, weil es dafür 2019 einen der deutschen #BigBrotherAwards gab – es hätte sich also leicht recherchieren lassen: https://bigbrotherawards.de/2019/peter-beuth
Erst im Februar 2023 stellte das #BVerfG fest, dass dieser Einsatz der Palantir-Software #Gotham in #Hessen verfassungswidrig ist: https://www.hessenschau.de/politik/warum-die-polizei-software-hessendata-von-palantir-so-problematisch-ist-v2,urteil-bundesverfassungsgericht-hessendata-100.html
#PeterThiel #Thiel #bba19 #Massenüberwachung #TechBillionaires
#TechBillionaires #massenuberwachung #bba19 #thiel #peterthiel #hessen #gotham #bverfg #bigbrotherawards #hessendata #trump #palantir #facebook #paypal
A funding appeal email from the @goodlawproject reminds me of the new #NHS data contract awarded to PeterThiel's #palantir.
I would prefer to allow my personal data to be used for research purposes, but Palantir is totally out of the question. I've therefore had no option but to opt out of NHS data sharing, and I recommend that you do likewise.
"Predictive policing algorithms are racist. They need to be dismantled.
Lack of transparency and biased training data mean these tools are not fit for purpose. If we can’t fix them, we should ditch them."
By Will Douglas Heaven
#predictivepolicing #compas #oas #systemicracism #racialbias #algorithmicbias #palantir #nypd #postact
#POSTAct #nypd #palantir #algorithmicbias #racialbias #systemicracism #OAS #compas #predictivepolicing