Guten morgen, #Bookstodon! Last night I had difficulties getting asleep after reading #Nabokov's #PaleFire way past midnight. Shouldn't read after eleven.
This morning the fire itself appeared to me. -10c degrees outside, faintly snowing.
#bookstodon #Nabokov #palefire
I like #ChallengingBooks, #2666, #PaleFire, #Ulysses, #InfiniteJest, etc, but #amreading #GravitysRainbow and i'm not impressed so far. Has it just dated badly? Has anyone read it recently? I hardly ever not finish a book, but 600 more pages of this is going to be rough. #books #bookstodon
#challengingbooks #palefire #Ulysses #infinitejest #amreading #GravitysRainbow #books #bookstodon