Another #research on #TippingPoint risk: potential "forthcoming collapse of the #AtlanticMeridionalOverturningCirculation (#AMOC)" [1] which
"is a major concern as it is one of the most important tipping elements in #Earth’s #climate system
[...] model studies and #paleoclimatic reconstructions indicate that the strongest abrupt climate fluctuations [...] are connected to the bimodal nature of the AMOC" [1]
Many news/commentaries, e.g.
#Research #tippingpoint #atlanticmeridionaloverturningcirculation #amoc #earth #Climate #paleoclimatic
Another #research on potential "forthcoming collapse of the #AtlanticMeridionalOverturningCirculation (#AMOC)" [1] which
"is a major concern as it is one of the most important tipping elements in #Earth’s #climate system.
[...] model studies and #paleoclimatic reconstructions indicate that the strongest abrupt climate fluctuations [...] are connected to the bimodal nature of the AMOC" [1]
Several news/commentaries, e.g.
#Research #atlanticmeridionaloverturningcirculation #amoc #earth #Climate #paleoclimatic
If you work with #paleoclimate, you will be happy to see that #pastclim 1.1 is now out!
We have many new functions, now summarised in a #cheatsheet
We also explain how to work with custom #paleoclimatic data
(but if you do, please consider making them available to others, as explained in this vignette)
#paleoclimate #pastclim #cheatsheet #paleoclimatic