Random thought: how much pre- #pleistocene #fossils from Europe (and other frozen regions) were destroyed in the ice age?
If the ice was heavy enough to grind stone, then surely some fossils from just before must have disappeared as well?
#pleistocene #fossils #paleo #paleodon
Where are the palaeontologists?? Can we make this canon?
Art by @christophersrnka on insta
I know it is a link to the dreaded birdsite but it's a new book about African dinosaurs AND A COUPON CODE. *heavy breathing*
I have mighty needs.
The Desert Bones by Jamale Ijouiher:
#palaeontology #dinosaurs #palaeo #paleo #paleontology #science #paleoart #paleodon
#palaeontology #dinosaurs #palaeo #paleo #paleontology #science #paleoart #paleodon