🚨 The preprint of AMDirT tool is online now!📢
💻 AMDirT was developed as a companion tool to the other SPAAM initiative AncientMetagenomeDir.
#ancientmetagenomics #bioinformatics #ancientDNA #paleogenomics #metadata #genomics #microbiome
#AncientMetagenomics #bioinformatics #ancientDNA #paleogenomics #metadata #genomics #microbiome
Bringing back extinct molecules to fight modern #bacteria.
#abr #bioengineering #paleogenomics
#bacteria #abr #bioengineering #paleogenomics
PALEOMICS 2023 : données et méthodes. 19 septembre 2023. Villeneuve d'Ascq. 19 septembre 2023 #genomics #ancientdna #paleogenomics #france
#genomics #ancientDNA #paleogenomics #France
Scientists revive Stone Age #molecules.
#molecules #paleogenomics #bacteria
Scientists recover an ancient woman's #DNA from a 20,000-year-old pendant.
#dna #paleogenomics #anthropology
Michael Bunce (2023)
It is time for ancient DNA to sweat the small stuff
Molecular Ecology (advance online publication)
Searching for ancient bears in an Alaskan cave leads to an important #human discovery.
#human #paleogenomics #anthropology
#NewPaper #Paleontology #Paleomammalogy #Paleogenomics
David Díez-del-Molino et al. (2023)
Genomics of adaptive evolution in the woolly mammoth
Current Biology (advance online publication)
#newpaper #paleontology #paleomammalogy #paleogenomics
“Paleogenomics can help elucidate the genetic basis of modern diseases, including inborn errors of immunity that impair the response to infections, providing a tool for drug development.” #dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #ancientdna #geneadons #nature #epigenetics #paleogenomics
#dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #ancientdna #geneadons #nature #epigenetics #paleogenomics
RT @JessKolopenuk
This is so good to see and a powerful reminder for #bioarchaeology & #paleogenomics researchers to know and respect that the bones of our relatives are not your scientific possessions. https://twitter.com/ArchaeoMapper/status/1636058807972552716
#bioarchaeology #paleogenomics
#PaleoGenomics Ik was net (online) bij dit webinar over 'oud' DNA (vanaf 90duizend jaar) dat kan helpen om de interacties te achterhalen die in West-Europa hebben plaatsgevonden tussen de daar al aanwezige Neandertalers en de later binnenkomende moderne mensen, en wat daar technisch bij komt kijken. Heel knap betrok zij daar ook al de pas gisteren gepubliceerde onderzoeken bij van Villalba en Posth. Ik snapte nog niet de helft, maar: fascinerend, hoe hard de ontwikkelingen de momenteel gaan!
Ice Age survivors: #Paleogenomics study.
#paleogenomics #genomics #migration
Ethics in ancient human DNA research
Do #dogs really descend from #wolves?
#evolution #mtDNA #paleogenomics #domestication
#dogs #wolves #evolution #mtdna #paleogenomics #domestication
Wow, I didn't know that in 2020 the number of ancient humans who had been sequenced was 5,550 (it was 5 in 2010). Amazing progress!
#genomics #paleogenomics
Buried near the end of a Guardian article on Svante Pääbo, is this fragment, unaccompanied by any explanation: "..with a specific Neanderthal variant are more likely to feel pain and to therefore age quicker. .."
I am still gathering my list researchers and writers on medicine and molecular biology to follow. If any of you know or know who in the fediverse knows why the Guardian could say "therefore..." I would read with interest. #paleogenetics #paleogenomics
Using #paleogenomics to elucidate 10,000 years of #immune system #evolution.
#paleogenomics #immune #evolution
RT @QuintanaMurci@twitter.com
Happy to share our study on the evolution of the human immune system over the last 10,000 years @CellGenomics@twitter.com. Led by the one and only @GaspardKerner@twitter.com together with @Etienne_Patin@twitter.com and @Glaval1Laval@twitter.com
See https://www.cell.com/cell-genomics/fulltext/S2666-979X(22)00211-7
@institutpasteur@twitter.com @cdf1530@twitter.com @CNRS@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/QuintanaMurci/status/1613933037833621506
RT @QuintanaMurci@twitter.com
Happy to share our study on the evolution of the human immune system over the last 10,000 years @CellGenomics@twitter.com. Led by the one and only @GaspardKerner@twitter.com together with @Etienne_Patin@twitter.com and @Glaval1Laval@twitter.com
See https://www.cell.com/cell-genomics/fulltext/S2666-979X(22)00211-7
@institutpasteur@twitter.com @cdf1530@twitter.com @CNRS@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/QuintanaMurci/status/1613933037833621506
RT @QuintanaMurci@twitter.com
Happy to share our study on the evolution of the human immune system over the last 10,000 years @CellGenomics@twitter.com. Led by the one and only @GaspardKerner@twitter.com together with @Etienne_Patin@twitter.com and @Glaval1Laval@twitter.com
See https://www.cell.com/cell-genomics/fulltext/S2666-979X(22)00211-7
@institutpasteur@twitter.com @cdf1530@twitter.com @CNRS@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/QuintanaMurci/status/1613933037833621506