Neanderthals spread diverse cultures across Eurasia (before we came along) - Enlarge / This artist's conception shows how Neanderthals might have fa... - #ancientpeopledidstuff #paleolithiceurope #paleoarchaeology #extincthominins #zooarchaeology #anthropology #neanderthals #archaeology #paleolithic #science
#science #paleolithic #archaeology #neanderthals #anthropology #zooarchaeology #extincthominins #paleoarchaeology #paleolithiceurope #ancientpeopledidstuff
Ars Technica: Neanderthals spread diverse cultures across Eurasia (before we came along) #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #ancientpeopledidstuff #paleolithiceurope #paleoarchaeology #extincthominins #zooarchaeology #anthropology #Neanderthals #Archaeology #paleolithic #Science #science
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #ancientpeopledidstuff #paleolithiceurope #paleoarchaeology #extincthominins #zooarchaeology #anthropology #Neanderthals #archaeology #paleolithic #science
Ice Age ❄️ cave art 🎨 from 20k ya has marks for the breeding seasons of prey animals 🐎🐄🐘.
Dots or lines tally lunar 🌕 months, from Spring 🌱, and "Y" shows birth 👶:
:mastodance: ///Y
This was spotted by a hobbyist, Ben Bacon, who worked with academics 🎓 to confirm and publish 📝 the theory.
Open access article:
#CitizenScience #Paelontology #IceAgeHumans #HunterGatherers #CaveArt #Archaelogy #PaleolithicEurope #Paleolithic #StoneAge
#citizenscience #paelontology #iceagehumans #huntergatherers #caveart #Archaelogy #paleolithiceurope #paleolithic #stoneage