Heidi Stenner · @hstenner
168 followers · 140 posts · Server qoto.org

Hello Mastodon, or is it Tootland? I'm so confused...I will just blunder on, confused as usual!

I'm Heidi Stenner, a geologist and Project Manager with International () a non-profit focused on working with lower-resourced global communities who are at high risk of natural hazards and climate change impacts.

I have been an and with USGS. Migrated into . I'm most interested in and how to to reduce their impacts.

#hazards #geohazards #earthquake #ghi #geologist #paleoseismologist #scicomm #disasterprep #eq #landslide #volcano #compound #concurrent #cascading #disasters #mitigate #adapt #plan #introduction #SickOfHashtags #EasternWashingtonState

Last updated 2 years ago