Nonilex · @Nonilex
566 followers · 2188 posts · Server

The attacks Mon began shortly after 1AM & destroyed what the said was a militant command center that served as a hub of planning, weapons storage & comms. The bldg was surrounded by blocks & several facilities used by the agency responsible for aiding .

“A massacre is taking place now in Jenin camp,” Salim Awad…said in a phone interview Mon from a house where 19 residents were taking refuge.

#israeli #idf #residential #unitednations #palestinianrefugees #jenin #israel #palestine #refugees

Last updated 1 year ago

"Nell Gabiam spoke with co-editor Mouin Rabbani about Palestinian refugees in Syria. This episode of Connections examines the Palestinian refugee community in Syria, the policies of the Syrian state towards this community, and the impact of a decade of conflict in Syria upon its fortunes."

in with

#jadaliyya #palestinianrefugees #syria #nellgabiam #palestinians #arabspring #syrianrevolution #syrianwar #syriancivilwar

Last updated 1 year ago