The man without desire, who knows the unmade,
who has cut off the link,
who has got rid of the occasions,
who is an eater of what is abandoned by others,
he is indeed the highest person.
-Dhammapada, verse 97
#Theravada #Buddhism #Buddhist #Philosophy #Quote #Dharma #PaliCanon
#palicanon #dharma #quote #philosophy #buddhist #buddhism #theravada
Bhikkhu peels onions.
Aware that eyes are burning,
Hold is broken -- free.
#MastoPrompt (broken) #DailyHaikuPrompt (onion) #Senryu #Micropoetry #SmallPoems #Poem #WritingCommunity #PoetryCommunity #Buddhism #Buddhist #Dharma #PaliCanon #Philosophy #Theravada
(Edited to add photo by Cottonbro)
#theravada #philosophy #palicanon #dharma #buddhist #buddhism #poetrycommunity #writingcommunity #poem #smallpoems #micropoetry #Senryu #dailyhaikuprompt #MastoPrompt
Even so, on the rubbish heap of blinded mortals,
the disciple of the Supremely Enlightened One shines resplendent in wisdom.
~#Dhammapada 59
#Buddhism #Dhamma #Theravada #PaliCanon #suttas #RealBuddhaQuotes #EarlyBuddhistTexts @buddhism @dhamma @EarlyBuddhistTexts
#earlybuddhisttexts #realbuddhaquotes #suttas #palicanon #Theravada #dhamma #buddhism #Dhammapada
A good person is born in a family for the benefit, welfare, and happiness of the people.
For the benefit, welfare, and happiness of mother and father; children and partners; bondservants, workers, and staff; friends and colleagues; and ascetics and brahmins.
It’s like a great rain cloud, which nourishes all the crops for the benefit, welfare, and happiness of the people.
#Buddhism #Dhamma #PaliCanon #suttas #RealBuddhaQuotes #EarlyBuddhistTexts @buddhism @dhamma @earlybuddhisttexts
#earlybuddhisttexts #realbuddhaquotes #suttas #palicanon #dhamma #buddhism
Mindfulness is the path to the Deathless,
Heedlessness is the path to death.
The mindful never die,
the heedless are as if dead already.
~#Dhammapada 21
#Buddhism #Dhamma #Theravada #PaliCanon #suttas #RealBuddhaQuotes #EarlyBuddhistTexts
#earlybuddhisttexts #realbuddhaquotes #suttas #palicanon #Theravada #dhamma #buddhism #Dhammapada
A man is not versed in #Dhamma
because he speaks much.
He who, after hearing a little Dhamma,
realizes its truth directly
and is not heedless of it,
is truly versed in the Dhamma.
~#Dhammapada 259
#Buddhism #PaliCanon #suttas #RealBuddhaQuotes #EarlyBuddhistTexts @buddhism @dhamma
#earlybuddhisttexts #realbuddhaquotes #suttas #palicanon #buddhism #Dhammapada #dhamma
Anyone who has two things lives in suffering. What two?
Anger and hostility
disdain and contempt
jealousy and stinginess
deceit and deviousness
lack of conscience and prudence.
Anyone who has these two things lives happily. What two?
Freedom from anger and hostility
freedom from disdain and contempt
freedom from jealousy and stinginess
freedom from deceit and deviousness
conscience and prudence.
#Buddhism #Dhamma #PaliCanon #suttas #EarlyBuddhistTexts @buddhism
#earlybuddhisttexts #suttas #palicanon #dhamma #buddhism
Mendicants who value anger and denigration, possessions and honor, don’t grow in the teaching that was taught by the perfected Buddha.
But those who value the true teaching, who have lived it, and are living it now, these do grow in the teaching that was taught by the perfected Buddha.
#Buddhism #Dhamma #PaliCanon #suttas #EarlyBuddhistTexts @buddhism
#earlybuddhisttexts #suttas #palicanon #dhamma #buddhism
What’s a person’s best wealth?
What brings happiness when practiced well?
What’s the sweetest taste of all?
The one who they say has the best life: how do they live?
Faith here is a person’s best wealth.
The teaching brings happiness when practiced well.
Truth is the sweetest taste of all.
The one who they say has the best life lives by wisdom.
#Buddhism #Dhamma #Theravada #PaliCanon #suttas #RealBuddhaQuotes @buddhism @dhamma @earlybuddhisttexts
#realbuddhaquotes #suttas #palicanon #Theravada #dhamma #buddhism
These two hopes are hard to give up. What two?
The hope for wealth, and the hope for long life.
#Buddhism #Dhamma #PaliCanon #suttas #RealBuddhaQuotes @buddhism @dhamma @dharma
#realbuddhaquotes #suttas #palicanon #dhamma #buddhism
These two hopes are hard to give up. What two?
The hope for wealth, and the hope for long life.
#Buddhism #Dhamma #PaliCanon #suttas #RealBuddhaQuotes @buddhism @dhamma @dharma
#realbuddhaquotes #suttas #palicanon #dhamma #buddhism
I finally resumed doing some #NaturalLanguageProcessing fun on the #PaliCanon (thx to Sutta Central, of course).
So far, got a script to parse all available pairs of pali-english sentences, and train a (rudimentary) tokenizer on Pali using BPE.
Way to go before I can train a translation #MachineLearning model, but it feels doable before new years eve. Can I have a gpu for Christmas?
#BuddhistStudies #NLP #DigitalHumanities
Amazing what a day off from a job can do 😅
#digitalhumanities #nlp #buddhiststudies #machinelearning #palicanon #naturallanguageprocessing
I finally resumed doing some #NaturalLanguageProcessing fun on the #PaliCanon (thx to Sutta Central, of course).
So far, got a script to parse all available pairs of pali-english sentences, and train a (rudimentary) tokenizer on Pali using BPE.
Way to go before I can train a translation #MachineLearning model, but it feels doable before new years eve. Can I have a gpu for Christmas?
#BuddhistStudies #NLP #DigitalHumanities
Amazing what a day off from a job can do 😅
#digitalhumanities #nlp #buddhiststudies #machinelearning #palicanon #naturallanguageprocessing
Because of not truly seeing
the four noble truths,
we have transmigrated for a long time
from one rebirth to the next.
But now that these truths have been seen,
the attachment to rebirth is eradicated.
The root of suffering is cut off,
now there’ll be no more future lives.
#Buddhism #Dhamma #PaliCanon #suttas #RealBuddhaQuotes #EarlyBuddhistTexts
#earlybuddhisttexts #realbuddhaquotes #suttas #palicanon #dhamma #buddhism
The #Buddha's teachings recorded in the Pali Canon may be divided into two categories...
~Ajahn Jayasāro
#Buddhism #Dhamma #Theravada #BuddhistWisdom #BuddhistQuotes #PaliCanon #Dharma
#dharma #palicanon #buddhistquotes #buddhistwisdom #Theravada #dhamma #buddhism #buddha
An individual here with
A wrongly directed mind
Who utters wrong speech
And performs wrong deeds,
One of little learning,
Who does demerit in this short life—
Upon the perishing of the body
That foolish one is reborn in hell.
#Buddhism #Dhamma #Theravada #PaliCanon #suttas #RealBuddhaQuotes #EarlyBuddhistTexts #Dharma
#dharma #earlybuddhisttexts #realbuddhaquotes #suttas #palicanon #Theravada #dhamma #buddhism
Because of not truly seeing
the four noble truths,
we have transmigrated for a long time
from one rebirth to the next.
But now that these truths have been seen,
the attachment to rebirth is eradicated.
The root of suffering is cut off,
now there’ll be no more future lives.
#suttas #palicanon #dharma #dhamma #buddhism
In the Pacalāyamāna #Sutta, Venerable Mahāmoggallāna is nodding off while meditating. The #Buddha sees him struggling and teaches him seven ways to dispel sleepiness in #meditation.
#Buddhism #Buddhist #Dhamma #Theravada #PaliCanon #suttas #RealBuddhaQuotes #EarlyBuddhistTexts #Dharma
#dharma #earlybuddhisttexts #realbuddhaquotes #suttas #palicanon #Theravada #dhamma #buddhist #buddhism #meditation #buddha #sutta
In the Mettā Sutta, the Buddha lists eleven benefits of cultivating metta (goodwill/loving kindness).
#Buddhism #Dhamma #Theravada #PaliCanon #BuddhaQuotes #RealBuddhaQuotes #EarlyBuddhistTexts #TheravadaBuddhism #Dharma #sutta #suttas
#suttas #sutta #dharma #theravadabuddhism #earlybuddhisttexts #realbuddhaquotes #BuddhaQuotes #palicanon #Theravada #dhamma #buddhism
In the Paṭhamaakkhanti #Sutta, the #Buddha lists the five drawbacks of intolerance, and the benefits of being tolerant.
#Buddhism #Dhamma #Theravada #PaliCanon #suttas #BuddhaQuotes #EarlyBuddhistTexts
#earlybuddhisttexts #BuddhaQuotes #suttas #palicanon #Theravada #dhamma #buddhism #buddha #sutta