@LeviKornelsen rpg wonk is a very apt way to describe me. I've been playing since I was 10~ in the 80s. #pallidium was my og faves. Then I migrated to #cyberpunk2020 , #rifts, #gurps, #mekton, and such. Before long I was diving headfirst into #oWoD, #ChampionsRPG , and well tou name it.
These days I'm all over social media. Chatting up #pathfinder2e, #starfinder , and #SineNomineGames stuff. A lot really. 30+ years of experience and experimentation. I consider myself a "teaching gm".
#pallidium #cyberpunk2020 #Rifts #gurps #mekton #oWoD #ChampionsRPG #pathfinder2e #starfinder #sinenominegames