🧠 Attraverso i #LLM, possiamo creare infrastrutture per ottimizzare i feed dei prodotti che vengono utilizzati per le campagne di #advertising.
🦾 Ieri, durante l'#AI Summer School, abbiamo visto come si possa creare un'infrastruttura basata sulle API di Vertex AI di Google (usando #PALM2) per ottenere un'ottimizzazione del feed per gli annunci Shopping.
#LLM #advertising #ai #palm2 #vertexai #intelligenzaartificiale #ads #marketing
Google’s $30-per-month “Duet” AI will craft awkward emails, images for you - Enlarge (credit: Getty Images / Benj Edwards)
On Tuesday, Goog... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1964020 #largelanguagemodels #googleworkspace #machinelearning #googlebard #googledocs #goolgeduet #aiprivacy #aiethics #chatgpt #chatgtp #privacy #biz #google #openai #palm2 #tech #ai
#ai #tech #palm2 #openai #google #biz #privacy #chatgtp #chatgpt #aiethics #aiprivacy #goolgeduet #googledocs #googlebard #machinelearning #googleworkspace #largelanguagemodels
Ars Technica: Google’s $30-per-month “Duet” AI will craft awkward emails, images for you https://arstechnica.com/?p=1964020 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #largelanguagemodels #googleworkspace #machinelearning #GoogleBard #Googledocs #GoolgeDuet #AIprivacy #AIethics #ChatGPT #chatgtp #privacy #Biz&IT #Google #google #openai #PaLM2 #Tech #AI
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #largelanguagemodels #googleworkspace #machinelearning #googlebard #googledocs #goolgeduet #aiprivacy #aiethics #chatgpt #chatgtp #privacy #biz #google #openai #palm2 #ai
The New York Times prohibits AI vendors from devouring its content - Enlarge (credit: Benj Edwards / Getty Images)
In early August,... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1960621 #largelanguagemodels #machinelearning #thenewyorktimes #googlebard #journalism #anthropic #aiethics #chatgtp #claude2 #biz #llama2 #openai #palm2 #tech #meta #ai
#ai #meta #tech #palm2 #openai #llama2 #biz #claude2 #chatgtp #aiethics #anthropic #journalism #googlebard #thenewyorktimes #machinelearning #largelanguagemodels
Ars Technica: The New York Times prohibits AI vendors from devouring its content https://arstechnica.com/?p=1960621 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #largelanguagemodels #machinelearning #thenewyorktimes #GoogleBard #journalism #Anthropic #AIethics #chatgtp #Claude2 #Biz&IT #Llama2 #openai #PaLM2 #Tech #meta #AI
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #largelanguagemodels #machinelearning #thenewyorktimes #googlebard #journalism #anthropic #aiethics #chatgtp #claude2 #biz #llama2 #openai #palm2 #meta #ai
L'intelligenza artificiale di Google crea poesie basate su opere d'arte
#Google #IntelligenzaArtificiale #poesia #testo #opera #arte #PaLM2
#google #intelligenzaartificiale #poesia #testo #opera #arte #palm2
Another code assistant is on the horizon.
This time from Google with Project IDX https://idx.dev/
#AWS -> #CodeWhisperer
#Microsoft - #OpenAI
#Google -> #PaLM2
Looks like the BIG 3 are doing their best roping in developers in order to promote their cloud services. This new Google IDX is 100% in the cloud which has its advantages but it will probably also lock you into the GCloud :)
Anyway it will be an interesting year for developers.
#aws #codewhisperer #microsoft #openai #google #palm2 #codinglife #ai #chatgpt
Gizmodo: Google Says It Will Scrape Publishers’ Data for AI Unless They Force It Not To https://gizmodo.com/google-bard-ai-scrape-websites-data-australia-opt-out-1850720633 #applicationsofartificialintelligence #generativepretrainedtransformer #computationalneuroscience #artificialintelligence #largelanguagemodels #technologyinternet #thenewyorktimes #robotstxt #deepfake #gizmodo #chatbot #chatgpt #google #openai #palm2 #bard
#applicationsofartificialintelligence #generativepretrainedtransformer #computationalneuroscience #artificialintelligence #largelanguagemodels #technologyinternet #thenewyorktimes #robotstxt #deepfake #gizmodo #chatbot #chatgpt #google #openai #palm2 #bard
🧐 In questo video di #Google viene spiegato come sia possibile integrare un #LLM in un'applicazione in grado di effettuare chiamate API verso servizi esterni.
✨ Ascoltandolo si capisce quanto avanti sia #OpenAI con Code Interpreter. Immaginiamo solo se il #Python che produce per completare i task potesse accedere al web.
#google #LLM #openai #python #ai #chatgpt #GPT4 #palm2
🧠 #YouTube sta sperimentando le sintesi dei video ad opera dell'#AI generativa.
🧐 Nel post di Search Engine Journal viene sollevata una domanda interessante: sintesi imprecise potrebbero influenzare gli utenti e peggiorare le performance dei video?
#IntelligenzaArtificiale #LLM #SEO #ChatGPT #GPT4 #Claude2 #PaLM2
#youtube #ai #intelligenzaartificiale #LLM #seo #chatgpt #GPT4 #claude2 #palm2
🧠 A cosa serve #VertexAI?
🦾 È lo strumento di Google Cloud che permette di usare i foundation model di #Google via API per generare immagini, testo e codice.
✨ Cos'è, invece, Model Garden?
#vertexai #google #ai #intelligenzaartificiale #palm2 #LLM
Google demos “unsettling” tool to help journalists write the news - Enlarge / An AI-generated image of a "robot journalist." (credit: Midjo... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1955361 #largelanguagemodels #machinelearning #googlegenesis #aijournalism #newyorktimes #automation #journalism #chatgpt #reuters #biz #google #palm2 #tech #ai
#ai #tech #palm2 #google #biz #reuters #chatgpt #journalism #automation #newyorktimes #aijournalism #googlegenesis #machinelearning #largelanguagemodels
Ars Technica: Google demos “unsettling” tool to help journalists write the news https://arstechnica.com/?p=1955361 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #largelanguagemodels #machinelearning #GoogleGenesis #AIjournalism #newyorktimes #automation #journalism #ChatGPT #Reuters #Biz&IT #google #PaLM2 #Tech #AI
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #largelanguagemodels #machinelearning #googlegenesis #aijournalism #newyorktimes #automation #journalism #chatgpt #reuters #biz #google #palm2 #ai
🧠 #PaLM2 di #Google di certo si prepara a diventare il miglior #LLM a disposizione.
🧐 Ma lasciatemi dire che, per ora, siamo lontanissimi dal livello di #GPT4.
💡 Nel test, ad esempio, ho provato a fare sintetizzare al modello un video di YouTube, facendo indicare anche minuto e URL degli argomenti.
🦾 Ho fatto diversi tentativi, ma senza ottenere output soddisfacenti. Anzi, il calcolo dei secondi è costantemente sbagliato.
#AI #IntelligenzaArtificiale #VertexAI #NLU #GoogleCloud #ChatGPT
#palm2 #google #LLM #GPT4 #ai #intelligenzaartificiale #vertexai #nlu #googlecloud #chatgpt
PaLM 2 https://ai.google/ this is next-generation AI from Alphabet's Google. Excited? Wait until you see GEMINI later on. #artificialintelligence #palm2 #gemini #alphabet #google
#artificialintelligence #palm2 #gemini #alphabet #google
Is ChatGPT king? How top free AI chatbots fared during field testing - Competition is heating up with several new AI chatbots flooding t... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/is-chatgpt-king-how-top-free-ai-chatbots-fared-during-field-testing #artificialintelligence #huggingchat #huggingface #moritzkremb #freechatbot #socratic #chatbot #youchat #plugins #openai #deepai #palm2 #bing #bard #llm
#llm #bard #bing #palm2 #deepai #openai #plugins #youchat #chatbot #socratic #freechatbot #moritzkremb #huggingface #huggingchat #artificialintelligence
Google has progressed a lot in AI. Few weeks back before IO 2023, concerns were raised about how Google would stay ahead in the AI race. However, Google has shown glimpses of an impressive arsenal of tools and products, like Google Deepmind.
#googledeepmind #deepmind #AI #generativeai #BardAI #PaLM2
#palm2 #bardai #generativeai #ai #deepmind #googledeepmind
Google has released its latest PaLM 2 API in different versions so that it can later have AI models with specific capabilities tailored to different needs like cost, scale and usecases.
#PaLM2 #PaLM2API #googlepalm #AI #chatgpt #LLM #generativeai
#generativeai #llm #chatgpt #ai #googlepalm #palm2api #palm2