"Why, if you are indeed the Messiah, has your donkey got such short ears? Are you sure it's really a proper donkey? It hasn't even got a white nose."

"I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition."

#asstodon #palmsunbray

Last updated 1 year ago

Palm Sunday donkey:

However it went for Jesus, this is how it probably ended for the Palm Sunday donkey.

Palm branches seem to have a remarkable laxative quality...

#asstodon #palmsunbray

Last updated 1 year ago

"Can you just get out of the way please! People have come here to see the donkey, for God's sake..."

#asstodon #palmsunbray

Last updated 1 year ago

Palm Sunday.

The : a proto-monastic donkey community based in caves alongside the Dead Sea, where they trained to be the donkey that would carry the Messiah into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, and not be spooked by doves.

#deadseascrolls #equinetheology #assines #asstodon #palmsunbray #essenes

Last updated 1 year ago

I haven't yet explored the biblical donkey's perspective, and it could be that in Palestine in the first century AD, a young donkey - possibly part of the People's Popular Front of Judaea, or the , trained to expect the Messiah at any moment - may have been more disciplined and refrained from eating the palms. 🤗


#assines #asstodon #palmsunbray #deadseascrolls #essines

Last updated 1 year ago

Palm Sunday donkey research:

How quickly would a donkey carrying Jesus walk through palm branches thrown into the road?

Evidently, the Palm Sunday donkey would never have made it into Jerusalem. Jesus would have had to wait for the donkey to finish eating the palm fronds laid in the path by the crowd.

- a reliable first source for cutting-edge research: the cutting-edge for the palm fronds being a rather blunt machete.

#asstodon #asscademic #theology #newtestament #palmsunbray

Last updated 1 year ago