Just posted my slides from PancakesCon and DC207! If you want to build an Atomic testing range, this will help guide you.
#atomicredteam #pancakescon #dc207 #testing #security #infosec
#atomicredteam #pancakescon #dc207 #testing #security #infosec
Just froze my first cocktail ice. Learned it at #pancakescon. Thanks, @CDubbs!
What I Learned From PancakesCon - 4: Community conferences are just amazing! I've been to all the big security cons multiple times over the years. There is something great about people speaking, volunteering and participating in a conference to give back to a community, offer opportunities for new speakers without the "high stakes" of a RSA and just generally having fun. I'm looking forward to volunteering for the next one and really appreciate how smoothly everything went. Huge Kudos to @hacks4pancakes and the whole conference team. That was loads of fun. #PancakesCon
What I Learned From PancakesCon - 3: I've never presented at a virtual conference before. I thought it might be much easier than in person conferences as it seemed like being on a video call (something I do all day every day) would be very comfortable. Reality struck. My usual video calls have faces I can read to see how things are being received. There is generally feedback from the group on the call or at least the opportunity to pause and ask "does this all make sense". Presenting at a virtual conference is just you and your screen. Subtle difference but enough of one that I'd like another crack at it so I can do a better job knowing what to expect. Thanks to the moderator though! I could see his face and it helped to know that someone was listening. #PancakesCon
What I Learned From PancakesCon - 2: I underestimated how fast 20 mins goes by when covering a security topic. I also didn't set myself up for success. I planned and practiced the presentation. Timing was good with some flexibility. However, I never practiced with my slides in presentation mode and didn't account for my clock not being visible while in presentation mode. I was counting on being able to watch the clock to maintain my pace. This led to some minor panic knowing that I was on a tight timeline AND not being able to see my clock. #PancakesCon
What I Learned From PancakesCon - 1: I hadn't been to previous cons so I didn't really know what to expect. The format is unique. Very different from other cons and the speaking / presentations I do on a regular basis. I submitted a talk thinking it would be fun to try something different. It was. It was also considerably more challenging than I expected. People that can present two totally different topics AND make it look effortless i.e. cooking while talking about security...WOW! #pancakescon
i lurked pretty hard but thanks #PancakesCon for my first online conference and first hacker con too
Well, I've clawed my way up to 6th, but I'm hitting a wall.
think I'll be bowing out of this CTF comp at #pancakescon
Was fun though!
@hacks4pancakes just saw the links for #pancakescon and wondering if you ever have any legal or risk crossover topic- I propose one i could host with a panel called “the ultimate showdown: lawyers vs. cybersecurity”
I love #PancakesCon so much. Listening to wonderful people talk while making the best buttermilk pancakes possible.
PSA from Seth Enoka's #PancakesCon 4 session on the importance of notetaking in cyber incident response and in raising sausage dogs (dacshunds). Xylitol is in seemingly _everything_ and is incredibly toxic to dogs.
Oh darn. I just realized today is #PancakesCon, and I’m travelling. Guess I’ll have to watch the talks on YouTube later.
Some awesome talks so far! Join us at https://pancakescon.com/ #PancakesCon
Plans Today
- Attending #PancakesCon ! Already in love learning about farms and Macs and #photography
- 3D printing hooks for my giant Whalen industrial rack that my #3DPrinter lives on; then design a cup holder and a filament trash can that'll hook onto it...
- Shower (why is showering such a production)
- Start developing a ventilated paint box
#pancakescon #photography #3dprinter
Goats, trees, and rock climbing - also assembly and incident response... #PancakesCon is off and running!
(With Alex Perotti's slides)
#PancakesCon is ongoing right now, and it's free!
Decent talks if you want some infosec chatter mixed with famring tips (not kidding, each talk is about a infosec topic + the speaker's hobbies!)
If you're not otherwise busy on Sunday, and you are interested in computer security, check out #PancakesCon, which takes place in US Central time. Each speaker will talk security for a while, and then about a hobby. Check it out! https://pancakescon.com/2023-conference-information/