''#Necropsy consistently revealed pulmonary #congestion and #oedema, and cerebrocortical malacia with #haemorrhage was also seen in the cat that survived for 10 days. On #histology, all cats had necrotizing #encephalitis and interstitial #pneumonia with pulmonary congestion, oedema, #vasculitis and vascular #thrombosis. One cat also had microscopic multifocal necrosis in the #liver, #pancreas and an adrenal gland.''
#necropsy #congestion #oedema #haemorrhage #histology #encephalitis #pneumonia #vasculitis #thrombosis #liver #pancreas
Grande-Bretagne : atteinte de #diabète de type 1 et d’une sévère résistance à l’#insuline cutanée, elle devient la plus jeune patiente à bénéficier d’une transplantation de #pancréas
🔥 #TumorBoardTuesday is a must-attend!
🧑🔬Join @marklewismd @CatherineaOC 07.25.23 8pm ET as they explore differentiating midgut & #PNETs
🔥Be part of an insightful discussion!
🧠Get FREE #CME credits as we finalize the case
👉🏽Visit integrityce.com/TBT2023 for more info #OncoDon #GastroDon
#PrecisionMedicine #Oncology #Pancreas #NETs
#NeuroendocrineTumor @MPishvaian @JohnEbbenMDPhD @EmpoweringPts9 @tumorboard @tumor
#TumorBoardTuesday #pnets #cme #oncodon #Gastrodon #precisionmedicine #oncology #pancreas #nets #neuroendocrinetumor
E’ morto Kevin Mitnick, il RE degli hacker. Riposa in pace e vola sempre in alto grande Condor!
#Kevin David #Mitnick, 59 anni, è morto pacificamente domenica 16 luglio 2023, dopo aver combattuto valorosamente contro il #cancro al #pancreas per più di un anno.
Riposa in pace, Kev, ci mancherai!
Condividi questo post se hai trovato la news interessante.
#redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #infosecurity
#kevin #mitnick #cancro #pancreas #redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #infosecurity
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: TikTok Teen Maddie Russo Pleads Guilty to Theft After GoFundMe Cancer Scam https://jezebel.com/tiktok-teen-maddie-russo-pleads-guilty-to-theft-after-g-1850544856 #Jezebel #healthmedicalpharma #pancreaticcancer #louisfrillman #maddierusso #gofundme #pancreas #cancer #tiktok #russo #rtt
#jezebel #healthmedicalpharma #pancreaticcancer #louisfrillman #maddierusso #gofundme #pancreas #cancer #tiktok #russo #rtt
Six ways to lower your #Carbon #Emissions quickly : BBC
A #Bionic #Pancreas could solve one of the biggest challenges of #Diabetes : Tech Review
#Marine #Pollution from sunken #Vessels : IUCN
Check our latest #KnowledgeLinks
#knowledgelinks #vessels #Pollution #marine #diabetes #pancreas #bionic #emissions #carbon
#Cancer #Nanomedicines #Pancreas
Smaller Than a Grain of Rice – Scientists Use Tiny Implantable Device To Tame Pancreatic Cancer https://scitechdaily.com/smaller-than-a-grain-of-rice-scientists-use-tiny-implantable-device-to-tame-pancreatic-cancer/
#cancer #nanomedicines #pancreas
RT @CincyKidsGastro
🌟For this #WomansHistoryMonth we want to celebrate Dr. Maisam Abu-El-Haija🌟
➡️Dr.@MaisamHaijaMD is the Medical Director of the Pancreas Care Center➡️a pioneer& trailblazer in #peds #pancreas dis
✅Click the pic to know who inspired her
@ConradCole10 @vmukkada @ScrubsNHeels
#womanshistorymonth #peds #pancreas
The @ENLIGHT_H2020 project has started a new series of short pitches to introduce the young scientists working on this EU-wide @EUeic project. Opening the session, meet Davide Ribezzi @biomaker_ PhD student in our lab @RMUtrecht #biofabrication #bioprinting #pancreas
A sneak peek inside @enlight: meet Davide Ribezzi, PhD student @UMCU_Intl in #biofab and #regmed! Read more about his daily work and catch a glimps…
#regmed #biofab #pancreas #bioprinting #biofabrication
#pancreaticcancer #pathology #pancreas #johnshopkins https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.biorxiv.org%2Fcontent%2F10.1101%2F2023.01.27.525553v1&data=05%7C01%7Cadamana1%40jhmi.edu%7C226b8d3122d6460b978a08db02d1567b%7C9fa4f438b1e6473b803f86f8aedf0dec%7C0%7C0%7C638106870367771199%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=BFy5%2FUVp84Ng8%2BPRCvspqHAvPWRAzEiCL0AoSr%2FyK3s%3D&reserved=0
#pancreaticcancer #pathology #pancreas #johnshopkins
Artificial #pancreas successfully trialed for use by type 2 #diabetes patients
My friend Ruth Swailes (not on Masto) lost her husband Pete, who was a very talented #Potter, to #Cancer of the #Pancreas this spring. Ruth wrote about her bereavement journey here https://yorkshirebylines.co.uk/author/ruthswailes/ Now here is her latest piece, a testimony to the enduring power of humanity in a cynical world- &what we all need for #Christmas. http://assure.education/blog/musings-from-the-studio Picture: examples of pottery made by Pete Swailes. @YorksBylines
#christmas #pancreas #cancer #potter
My friend Ruth Swailes (not on Masto) lost her husband Pete, who was a very talented #Potter, to #Cancer of the #Pancreas this spring. Ruth wrote about her bereavement journey here https://yorkshirebylines.co.uk/author/ruthswailes/ Now here is her latest piece, a testimony to the enduring power of humanity in a cynical world- &what we all need for #Christmas. http://assure.education/blog/musings-from-the-studio Picture: examples of pottery made by Pete Swailes. @YorksBylines
#christmas #pancreas #cancer #potter
Why does the Alzheimer’s brain become insulin-resistant?
#Health #Alzheimer #Insulin #Dementia #Physiology #Neuroscience #Hormones #Brain #Drugs #Proteins #Blood #Neurons #Receptors #Pancreas #BloodVessels #InsulinResistance
#health #alzheimer #insulin #dementia #physiology #neuroscience #hormones #brain #drugs #proteins #blood #neurons #receptors #pancreas #bloodvessels #insulinresistance
Why does the Alzheimer’s brain become insulin-resistant?
#Health #Alzheimer #Insulin #Dementia #Physiology #Neuroscience #Hormones #Brain #Drugs #Proteins #Blood #Neurons #Receptors #Pancreas #BloodVessels #InsulinResistance
#health #alzheimer #insulin #dementia #physiology #neuroscience #hormones #brain #drugs #proteins #blood #neurons #receptors #pancreas #bloodvessels #insulinresistance
High-resolution analysis of cytosolic calcium events in beta cell collectives in situ unveils involvement of intracellular calcium receptors. Our publication also demonstrates a novel framework for analysis of calcium imaging data optimized for pancreatic islets.
#DataScience #calcium #betacells #pancreas #Science
Glucagon Mediated #Glucose Production in #Liver can Control and Prevent #Diabetes | An important #marker for diabetes development has been identified. The two important #hormones produced in the #pancreas – glucagon and insulin – control proper glucose...
#glucose #liver #diabetes #marker #hormones #pancreas
Excited to share our preprint on the role of Rab11 in microlumen formation during early pancreas development.
When Rab11 is genetically deleted in pancreatic epithelium:
-intracellular cargo containing apically targeted proteins are stuck in the cell
-Lumens fail
-Branch morphogenesis is defective
-Beta cell mass is reduced
Cool work spearheaded by grad student Haley Barlow. #DevBio #DevBiol #Pancreas #BetaCell #Lumen #SendFeedback
#SendFeedback #lumen #betacell #pancreas #devbiol #devbio
these are the custom ones on here most of the organs, minus the evil that is the #pancreas of course #medtwitter