A little bit of energy yesterday meant that I decided to do some long overdue maintenance on our #PandaCross “Ninky”. I replaced a 14 year old auxiliary belt and it’s tensioner. And for good measure I hot stapled a crack in the bumper. I’m now having to rest again 😬😩 but it’s just about ready for its next MOT #FiatPandaCross #FiatPanda4x4
#pandacross #fiatpandacross #fiatpanda4x4
It's generally accepted that nothing (2 or 4WD) can get traction on pure ice but, over the past few days of cold icy weather we hadn't noticed our track icing over and we drive it every day.
On Saturday I returned to work and was left the work car at the local shop. Upon attempting to take it to my house I discovered that Fiat Pandas, apparently, can! The work car (Hyundai i5) simply refused to move and the Panda didn't even spin a wheel last night.