My full unit of Heresy Miniatures Komodo Class Mech Suits for Xenos Rampant.
Pictured on a Tinywargames Mars mat with a Jon Hodgson landscape print behind

#miniaturepainting #wargaming #wepaintminis #xenosrampant #pandaemonium_miniatures #paintslam23 #paintingminiatures

Last updated 1 year ago

A few pics of yesterday evening's game of Stargrave with Mike -great fun!
The 'Salvage Crew' scenario with a few adaptations - a desert rather than a swamp, a wrecked walker rather than a ship, and pirates rather than Ryakans as randomly spawning enemies 🙂
At Bristol Independent Gaming using their Acid House Terrain set

#miniaturepainting #wargaming #wepaintminis #ttrpg #stargrave #badsquiddogames #acidhouseterrain #bristolindependentgaming #pandaemonium_miniatures

Last updated 1 year ago

Skeletal corpse of a knight from Black Scorpion Miniatures
Handy as an objective marker, and I'm keen to get another one to add into a scenery piece at some point, along with the forthcoming one sitting on a throne 🙂

#miniaturepainting #wargaming #wepaintminis #ttrpg #paintslam23 #paintingminiatures #pandaemonium_miniatures #dungeonsAndDragons #DnD #frostgrave

Last updated 2 years ago

HeroQuest Gargoyle!
Part of my slow burn project of stripping, repairing and repainting my HeroQuest set from my childhood.
This one was in a sorry state, with the wings snapped at the joint, and both the whip and the sword broken off.
All better now though! 🙂

#miniaturepainting #wargaming #wepaintminis #ttrpg #paintslam23 #paintingminiatures #pandaemonium_miniatures #heroquest #dungeoncrawler #boardgames #boardgaming

Last updated 2 years ago

Here's a 360 of my Errant of the Order of the Shield, of the Hundred Kingdoms faction in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings, kindly provided by Para Bellum Wargames

#wargaming #paintslam23 #miniaturepainting #pandaemonium_miniatures #parabellumwargames #colorsofconquest #pathofconquest #conquestthelastargumentofkings

Last updated 2 years ago