@LeviKornelsen I'm interested in #GM advice (I listen to the #PandasTalkingGames and #HappyJacks podcasts, but would be happy to talk here too).
I'm running and playing #7thSea, and have recently run #StarTrekAdventures and #RisusRPG.
I'd like to run or play #CoyoteAndCrow.
Discussion of any of the above is very welcome.
#gm #pandastalkinggames #happyjacks #7thsea #startrekadventures #risusrpg #coyoteandcrow
Today I am on TWO podcasts! I mean I’m normally on #PandasTalkingGames every Wednesday but today you can ALSO catch both pandas on #Gnomestew’s #Gnomecast!
#pandastalkinggames #gnomestew #gnomecast
Coming up on #PandasTalkingGames this Wednesday: maximizing your prep to game play ratio by optimizing prep and managing at the table pacing. Thanks to @masukomi do the topic!
Yesterday we recorded #PandasTalkingGames about de-roling that will drop this coming Wednesday!
Do you practice any form of de-roling after a game, formal or not?
Listening to [Panda's Talking Games] PTG 298 – Rules on the House #pandasTalkingGames
https://podcastaddict.com/episode/151314513 via @PodcastAddict
Tomorrow, #PandasTalkingGames returns to a podcatcher near you! The holiday hiatus comes to end end with a discussion of house rules: what, why, and yes please.
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, hi! I do a podcast. It’s like two pan queers doing Car Talk for your game table or campaign. Got a question? Hit us up!
What to do with a prisoner? While running Red Hand of Doom, my players had a prisoner for interrogation. The scene ended in an unexpected way, which has me cautious of allowing a similar scene. This episode of #PandasTalkingGames gives some ideas of how to prevent unexpected prisoner scene endings. It's relevant to me as I process session zero of a similar plot.
On today’s episode, we talk running #mysteries, #clue distribution, and prepped and ad hoc mystery games on #PandasTalkingGames: http://misdirectedmark.com/2022/11/23/ptg-296-whose-clues-twose/
What’s your favorite mystery #ttrpg ?
#mysteries #Clue #pandastalkinggames #ttrpg