What does it mean to democratize international law?
Last month, I took part in @PHAC_GC’s Stakeholder & Partner Engagement Forum on the pandemic instrument.
In this guest essay led by @profplum8, we reflect on what Canada got right, and where it should strive to do better.
RT @pretpat
It is difficult to understand how these processes are unfolding in capitals #PandemicAccord. Grateful for this perspective. We wish to bring more vie…
For those thinking of developing commentaries/articles critiquing the @WHO’s #pandemicaccord zero draft proceed with haste and foresight: the INB is set to produce its “first” draft of the accord by mid-June.
RT @FilesGeneva
This week @WHO
#INB4 kicks off with opening remarks by @DrTedros. Refers to North-South divides in early discussions of these negotiations #PandemicAccord
Watch public webcast for today here:
With @WHO’s INB next week, the Civil Society Alliance proposes specific revisions to strengthen alignment of the draft #pandemicaccord with intl human rights obligations - drawing in part on the forthcoming Principles & Guidelines on Human Rights & Public Health Emergencies ⬇️
RT @BenjaminMMeier
The Civil Society Alliance for Human Rights in the Pandemic Treaty has analyzed key human rights concerns in the #ZeroDraft :
🇺🇳 https…
Honoured to join experts in medicine, human rights, finance, and other areas, convened last month by @oneillinstitute, @FNIH_Org, and @UNAIDS, to examine mechanisms for mainstreaming equity in @WHO’s #pandemicaccord.
Read the consultation report: https://fnih.org/sites/default/files/2023-02/Advancing%20a%20World%20Together%20Equitably%20%E2%80%93%20O%E2%80%99Neill-FNIH-UNAIDS%20%E2%80%93%20February%202023.pdf
RT @Sarah_Dlish
One hell of a title but it needs to be said! 🔥
Especially relevant around IND discussions on the #PandemicAccord this week. https://twitter.com/roojinhabibi/status/1599921872824832001
Next week all eyes will look towards Geneva.
Member states will meet at WHO to discuss a “conceptual draft zero” of a new #PandemicAccord.
The need to include language on independent monitoring of state compliance is evidence-based and non-negotiable.