The fact that disabled people are in level 7-9 of genocide while the majority of the population including self proclaimed leftists don't give a fuck is just
#pandemicisntover #CovidIsntOver #ecocollapse
Covid risk assessment methods now: no data, just vibes
It shouldn’t be this way. Public health is not just a collection of individual choices. Leadership should be making choices and policies that serve all of us. Promoting the general welfare, you might say
Three years in, the #pandemicIsntOver. My spouse and I tested positive for COVID today and I’m pretty sure my kids have it too. (Swabbing a toddler’s nose is up there with giving pills to a cat as a difficult and dangerous task)
I’m so mad. We’ve said No to so many things, we’ve kept on masking, we’ve been cautious and asked the people in our lives to be cautious too. And still we got it