@hcbrown It makes me so angry that a lot of this research was done nearly two years ago, and is still not being taken seriously by the health authorities who could re-institute Restrictions.
#PandemicNotOver #CovidCausesDisability #WearAMask please.
#pandemicnotover #covidcausesdisability #WearAMask
@keagar And yet, the laissez faire attitude at hospitals, schools, and government offices, means that people will continue to get infected, and die of heart disease - due to Covid weakening their cardiovascular system. Oh, add diabetes 1, pancreatitis, liver failure, stroke, epilepsy, to the health costs. Car accidents caused by brain fog, or drastic mood changes.
Strangely enough, there were warnings about such occurences back in 2021/22. Mostly ignored or passed off as fear-mongering. Now, there is real, well-founded fear of hospitals, and avoiding doctors who criticise mask-wearers. #CriminalNegligence #CovidIsNotOver #PandemicNotOver
#criminalnegligence #CovidIsNotOver #pandemicnotover
Today is the third anniversary of the imposition of the very first COVID-19 “community quarantine” in the Philippines when the capital region of Metro Manila was put under a strict travel lockdown and mandatory curfew.
While many people have moved on, here I am still being mindful, limiting trips outside the house, and wearing masks. #PandemicNotOver
#pandemicnotover #COVID19 #lockdown #quarantine #pandemic
Ppl should read this WHO report from 30th Jan 2023 https://www.who.int/news/item/30-01-2023-statement-on-the-fourteenth-meeting-of-the-international-health-regulations-(2005)-emergency-committee-regarding-the-coronavirus-disease-(covid-19)-pandemic
#covid #masks4all #pandemicnotover #covidnotover
#covid #masks4all #pandemicnotover #covidnotover
@pfred60 @dom_ma We also don't know which sub-sub-sub-subvariants of Omicron we are dealing with, because people who are contagious are not bothering to test - because they have bought the CMO's/ CFOs' lie that Omicron is mild. #CovidKills #PandemicNotOver #MaskUp & #SaveLives @auscovid19
#covidkills #pandemicnotover #MaskUp #savelives
Shame on conferences announcing in their call for papers that "no virtual talks will be accommodated"! Truly sad that academics don't show the way #climatechange #inclusion #pandemicnotover
#climatechange #inclusion #pandemicnotover
May 2023 be less traumatic than 2022. It is all we can hope for, it seems. #PandemicNotOver #CovidStillEvolving #MaskUp #StaySafe
#pandemicnotover #covidstillevolving #MaskUp #staysafe