@TomMarcinko Has a #DarwinAward ever been given to an entire state before? 🤔
Note that this graph does is not solely for the state of #Floriduh.
#darwinaward #pandemicoftheunvaccinated #floriduh
We need a special #DarwinAward to be given posthumously to everyone who died during the #PandemicOfTheUnvaccinated (except for the unfortunate immune-compromised who could not be vaccinated).
#darwinaward #pandemicoftheunvaccinated #CovidIsNotOver
“I don’t want my staff educated” - #MarjorieThreeToes to the #CDC Director during a House Committee hearing. 😯 👉 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/marjorie-taylor-greene-rochelle-wolensky-staff-educated_n_648985cae4b025003ee114ef
They’re saying the quiet part out loud now!
#PandemicOfTheUnvaccinated ☠️
#SaveAmerica from the #MAGA cult of ignorance and hate!
#marjoriethreetoes #cdc #pandemicoftheunvaccinated #saveamerica #MAGA
@baslow ⬆️
The #PandemicOfTheUnvaccinated is a pandemic of death ☠️ from #COVID , not just #Coronavirus 🦠 infections.
#pandemicoftheunvaccinated #covid #Coronavirus
#COVID infected #LynetteHardaway aka #Diamond , but it didn’t ‘take her life’, #ScienceIlliteracy did.
Sadly, American hospitals should prepare for another wave in the #PandemicOfTheUnvaccinated ! ☠️
#covid #lynettehardaway #Diamond #scienceilliteracy #pandemicoftheunvaccinated
@rvawonk ⬆️
The fraction of Americans who believe that the #COVID #vaccine is more deadly than the #Coronavirus would’ve been even higher, but dead ☠️ people don’t think!
The #PandemicOfTheUnvaccinated is a pandemic of death, not just infection.
#covid #vaccine #Coronavirus #pandemicoftheunvaccinated
After losing the popular vote by almost 3 million in the #2016election, and then by almost 8 million in the #2020election, #DonaldTheDeplorable has *already* begun his third Presidential campaign for the #2024Election.
#JoeBiden hasn’t even mentioned a re-election campaign, let alone staged any campaign events.
With *still* well over 300 #COVID deaths ☠️ daily (mostly unvaccinated #DarkMAGA cult members), he doesn’t have to.
#2016election #2020election #donaldthedeplorable #2024election #JoeBiden #covid #DarkMAGA #pandemicoftheunvaccinated
@jennycohn The hashtag #PandemicOfTheUnvaccinated refers to death 💀 from #COVID , not just infection.
#pandemicoftheunvaccinated #covid #rondeathsantis
Pro tip for #Florida Governor #RonDeathSantis : The hashtag #PandemicOfTheUnvaccinated does not refer to ongoing #COVID infections, it refers to #COVID *deaths*, which are currently rising - again - primarily among his voter base of #DarkMAGA cult members. 💀
#florida #rondeathsantis #pandemicoftheunvaccinated #covid #DarkMAGA
Self-sacrifice of the ‘pure bloods’ ⬇️
1st wave of the #PandemicOfTheUnvaccinated.