Incidente all’incrocio tra strada e strada Colle di Mezzo, scontro tra due auto FOTO

Il sinistro si è verificato poco dopo mezzogiorno mercoledì 24 maggio nella zona di Pescara Colli

Accident at the junction between road and Colle di Mezzo road, collision between two cars PHOTOS

The accident occurred shortly after midday on Wednesday 24 May in the Pescara Colli area

24-5-2023 13:52

#pandolfi #ilpescara

Last updated 1 year ago

Ida No · @IdaNo
72 followers · 100 posts · Server

@jastsa @classicalmusic I no longer have favourite , but rather subsets that I’m drawn to in different contexts. For example, early string music: ’s lesser played works. And I’ve barely scratched the surface - I could list sets like this all day & I suspect I’m drawn to the interpretations by or (for starters), which are utterly mesmerising and beautiful.

#composers #rebel #biber #marini #corelli #marais #pandolfi #vivaldi #jordisavall #andrewmanze

Last updated 2 years ago